It is also interesting to note that at least two families that may not seem to be French (Egan, Melanson) are nonetheless, of proven French origin! | Metis, Abenaki, BC First Nations, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Picard | Metis, Abenaki, Iroquois, Malecite, Montagnais, Abenaki, Pierre | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Algon., Cree, Monta., Ojib., Salish, Stoney, Pigeon | Ojibway, Saulteaux, First Nations, Poitras | Metis, Cree, Mixed-heritage: Cree, Prosper | BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Proulx | Metis, Chippewa, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Rainville | Metis, Abenaki, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Recollet | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Ottawa Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Richard | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Robert, Roberts | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Mikmaq, Cree, Mistassini (Cree), Ojibway, Robillard | Metis, Saulteaux, Mixed heritage, Robinson | Metis, Algon., BC First Nations, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojib., Chip., Cree, Roy | Cree, Metis, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Ottawa. Guindon=Yandow September 2, 2021 I thought that I would ask your advice regarding the translating. In fact, in 1650, Catherine LeJeune, at 17 years of age, married Francois Savoie. Accessed DATE, Citation:White, Stephen A. | Reply, Need to know if Severe Labranche born 1824 was a metis, Comment by Maiden name is Lucille Maria Rose Labranche | Laflour = Lafleur Greenia = Grenier Please add "Mallet, Victorin M., Ph.D., "Evidences decommunauts mtisses autour de la baie des Chaluers. Laviolette = Lovelette Cir = Cyr Taillon = Tyo Iroquois Mixed. Hello,friends. Clment Drolet Maison = Mas(s)on Trudeau | Metis, Ojibway, Ottawa, First Nations, Villebrun | Metis, Ojibway, Cree, French, Villeneuve | Metis, Montagnais, Slavi, Mixed Cree, Vincent | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, Cree, Huron, Iroquois, Ojibway, Otchipas, Saulteaux, Walker | Metis, BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iro., Mikmaq, Six Nations, White | Metis, Assiniboine, BC First Nations, Cree, Delaware, Iroquois, Powawatomi, Saulteaux, Six Nations, Whitford | Metis, Beaver, Cree, English, William, Williams | BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Inuit (Esquimaux), Iroquois, Mikmaq, Young | Metis, Assin., Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Sioux, Six Nations, Your email address will not be published. Mitchell | Metis, Algon., Chippewa,Iroq., Malecite, Mikmaq, Fr. Lefave = Bean, Lafave onenote change background color; rolfe reflective model 2001 reference; tommy welch chicago fire actor; meath ireland pronunciation; texas railroad commission well search by operator The citations for mtDNA and yDNA presuppose that we are only using the Acadian and Amerindian Ancestry DNA Project. Click here to see how many times the surnames you are researching, appear on the Acadian-Cajun Genealogy CD-ROMs available from me. Johnston / Johnstone Metis, BC First Nations,Blackfoot, Mixed: Ojib., Eng., Fr., Scot. 1) Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755 2) Acadian Surnames Louisiana Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755. Cree, Metis, Saulteaux FEB 2023, Hardy | Cree, Atlin (BC) First Nations, Ojibwa, Mixed-heritage:Scottish, Hebert | BC First Nations, Metis, Ojibway, Hill | BC, Cayuga, Chip., Delaware, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Onodaga, Six Nations, Hunt, Hunter | Metis, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Beaver, Blackfoot, Cree, Kwakiutl, Ojibway, Sioux, Skookym Chuck, Stoney, Ignace | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Ojibway. Unfortunately, none of these three parishes just named, had all of its records and no registers survived at all for Cobeguit, the two churches at Pisiquit, the Rivire-aux-Canards, Chipoudy, the Pointe-de-Beausjour, Tintamarre, Chebogue, or any of the lesser missions of old Acadia. Jacques = Jacks ), Fill in the verbiage pertaining to that person in the blockquote, Fill in the page number for the specific entry and a quote of the relevant information plus any underlying source that was used, Fill in the page number for the specific entry, Enter the date you accessed this, and a page number where found. These included the names of the families with the most numerous descendants such as theLeBlancs, the Landrys, the Heberts, the Boudrots and the Richards. Cota = Ct It involves changing an ancestor's identity to fit one's current desire to shift. Pierre GENDREAU HTU Quenneville=Kenville St. Onge = Santaw, Tailleur = Taylor Downey = Danis Categories: Acadians Project Free Space Pages | Acadians Project | Acadians, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Maynard = Mnard Brockney = Branconnier Phone: (510) 832-0311. The Guillorys were Acaidian, they along with the Ringets, (Ranget), and Bertrands seem to have married alot within the three familys. Benway = Benoit Demarais = Demarey Lemoine = Luman Therrien = Tarien, Terrien Steve Gilbert (Z367 subclades) Charboneau, Menard, Roy, Fortier. Be sure to use names from documents and add the sources. 470pp. Bean = Lefebvre Researchers have been able to reconstruct parts of the population of the colony through consultation of surviving parish records, but recourse to a wide variety of other sources has been, and as research goes on , continues to be necessary, to fill-in gaps in our knowledge. Acadian Family Names 1700 to 1755 and Variations, Louisiana judge put the x in Cajun names, The First Bergeron d'Amboises in The Americas, French first/given names (prnoms franais), Family Names and Nicknames in Colonial Qubec, MyHeritage DNA: More than Just Family History. Sear(s) = Cyr Charbonneau = Cole More about Metis can be found on this page. Bolduc | Cree, Mixed Huron, Montagnais,Fr. Laf(f)ler = Lafleur Clokey/Clouckie = Cloutier The Quebec ADNmt Project is an independent project, which however benefits from generous sponsors and support from organizations such as the American Canadian Genealogical Society (ACGS), the Fdration des associations de famille du Qubec (FAFQ) and the Socit d 'histoire des Filles du Roy (SHFR). Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but Ive also added a few from more recent generations. Acadian and Quebec Metis By Susan Stevens February 06, 2000 at 11:08:56. See Business license Flyer Below. Paronto = Parenteau On the early end, we include spouses of Acadians even if they were Amerindienne or metis. I expect to be using mostly mtDNA Confirmations from Mothers of Acadia and from Quebec mtDNA. I refer to this book frequently, usually togther with Denis Jean's book. Such wonderful work youve done! As major contributors to the Canadian colonial project, these explorers helped Canada open up lands that were unknown, undiscovered and open to appropriation by Acadian "Mtis" voyageurs. Cole = Charbonneau The center column (second column) contains spelling variations of the name in the first column, and only of that name. QC | St. Regis | Iroquois, Mohawk (1901) Index: Native Surname Census Extracts. In this database, Metis or Mtis means any person having both Native (or aboriginal) and European blood. Bushey = Boucher My relative Sophie Lavigne+dit-Tessier married George Dean. Maurice Germain. 8839 N. Cedar Ave. #212, Fresno, CA, 93720. | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Cree, Malecite, Mikmaq, Sioux, St. Aubin | Abenaki, Amalecite / Maliseet. The following list consists of the names of all families, including those of couples who left no surviving descendants, who resided in continental Acadia between 1700 and 1755. | Reply, Has anyone found Metis ties in the Meloche and Reaume families in Windsor Essex county Ontario, Comment by mark | Moreau | Metis, Montagnais, Cree,French, Morin | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, Saulteaux, Mixed heritage, Morrison | Cree, Mikmaq, Kispiox (Gitskan) Jerome, Morrisseau | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Ojibway, French, Nicholas | Nicolas | Cree, Iroquois, Malecite, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Oneida, Six Nations, Nolan / Nolin | Metis, Cree, Iroquois, Montagnais, Ojibwe, Paquet | Metis, Chipewyan, Cree, Mixed-heritage: Fr., Cree, Paradis | Metis, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Payette / Pyette | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Montagnais, Pelletier | Metis, Cree, Ojibway, Ottawa, Mixed: Cree, French, Perras | Iroquois, Mixed-heritage: Iroquois, Perrault | Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage: Chippewa, Cree, Phillips (&vari.) You might want to leave another comment under that post so the right people see your comment. Abraham | Chippewayan, Cree, Iroquois,Mikmaq, Adam / Adams /Laramee | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Iroquois, Kitimat, Nisgaa, Ojibway, Okanagan, Sioux, Six Nations, Albany | Algonquin, Cree, Iroquois, Salish, Alexis | BC First Nations, Montagnais, Stony, Allan, Allen | BC First Nations, Cree, Metis, Micmac, Mohawk, Shushwap FEB 2023, Allard | First Nations, Chippewa, Metis, Mixed, Anderson | Metis, Cree, Mohawk, Saulteaux,Tuscorara, Andre | Algonquin, Iroquois, Maliseet, Mikmaq, Andrews | | Metis, BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Oneida, Tete de Boule, Antoine | Metis, Algon., Beaver, Chip., Cree, Dakota, Mon., Shuswap, Slavey, BC, Atkinson | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, Scottish, Aube | Chippewa, First Nations, Montagnais, Auger | Metis, BC First Nations, Cree, Ojibway, Mixed, Augustine | Mikmaq, Ojibwa, First Nations(BC), Basil, Bazil | BC First Nations, Montagnais, Bastien | Abenaki, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Innu Montagnais, Bear | Metis, BC First Nations, Blackfoot, Cree, Malecite / Maliseete, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibway, Ottawa, Plains Cree, Stoney, Sioux, Beauchamp | Metis, Cree, Mikmaq, Chippewa, Beaudry | Metis, Cree, Chipewyan, Ojibway, Mixed, Beaulieu | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway, Cree, Belcourt | Chipewyan, Cree, Metis FEB 2023, Bellefleur | Montagnais, Iroquois FEB 2023, Belleau | Metis, Chippewa, OjibwayFEB 2023. Now Through Feb 14th. Giroux = Gero Rousseau = Brooks Particularly significant is the absence of census records for Acadia after 1714. Cushion = Courchesne Allan, Allen [Surname Anchor Post] FEB 2023, Belcourt [Surname Anchor Post] Feb 2023, Boissonneau [Surname Anchor Post] FEB 2023, Brissette / Bressette [Surname Anchor Post], Cartier, Chartier [Surname Anchor Post], Charette, Charest | [Surname Anchor Post], Chatelain / Chastelain [Surname Anchor Post], Couture, Lacouture [Surname Anchor Post], Dailleburt / Diabo [Surname Anchor Post], Desjarlais [Surname Anchor Post] FEB 2023, Dion, Deon, Dionne [Surname Anchor Post], Finlayson | Surname Anchor Post] FEB 2023, Fletcher [Surname Anchor Post] Feb 2023, Maurice | Surname Anchor Post Feb 2023, McDonald / McDonnel (dit Mawiskak) [Surname Anchor Post], McKay, MacKay, McCay [Surname Anchor Post], McLean, Maclean, McLane [Surname Anchor Post], McPherson, MacPherson [Surname Anchor Post], Pierre / St. Pierre [Surname Anchor Post], St. Denis / Denis [Surname Anchor Post] FEB 2023, Tremblay / Trembley [Surname Anchor Post], (sometimes) Ouellet [Surname Anchor Post], Index: Native First Peoples Metis [Canadian Marriage Extracts], Index: Native First Peoples Metis [Canadian CensusExtracts], June 18, 2019 - The Mothers of Acadia Maternal DNA project conducts ongoing research to verify their origins. Fuller = Fournier, Gaboury=Gabourie, Gabori, Gadourie Viens = Cummings Historical and genealogical content. A mirror project (Quebec mtDNA Project) focuses on the other hand on signatures inherited from female pioneers (please find under the MT GEOGRAPHICAL PROJECTS tab).". Rivers = Larivire (LogOut/ Drinkwater = Boileau Administrators Savard | Metis, Cree, Mixed heritage: Montagnais. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Main Index:First Peoples [Canadian CensusExtracts], Main Index:First Peoples [Canadian Marriage Extracts], Main Index: Early French Canadian Pioneers, Index: A Portrait Gallery of Traditional Quebec Life, Main Index:Quebec & New Brunswick Cemeteries, Maiden name is Lucille Maria Rose Labranche, Hello Roger, Charron = Sharron Native women did not use the title "Princess"[1]. 1703. = Many of these documents are just now coming to light, due to the assiduous searching of certain descendants determined to trace their Acadian connections. Oneida, Saul., Seneca, Six Nations, Tusca. Poirier = Patry, Peartree, Purrier, Puariea, Peiria Marsha=Mercier Cell: 3482543130 | Email: Home; Azienda; Logistica. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hopefully you are going to add Lanteigne to this list as we go back to one of the first French men to marry Native and cross to many more native/Metis surnames. Most of these claims are to a "Mtis" identity, though many also claim "Abenaki" and . 1680. In some cases it is nonetheless still quite difficult to determine whether the family name actually would have been known in Acadia, or whether it only was added to the roster of Acadians during the long years of wandering in exile. However, that could change, at which time I may request more citation examples (or perhaps offer examples for inclusion). MTIS GENEALOGY RESEARCH. Simard | Cree, Montagnais, Cree, Montagnais,French, Simon | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Inuit, Iroquois, Malecite, Mikmaq, Montagnais, Ojibway, Sioux, Simpson | Metis, Algonquin, American Indian, BC First Nations, Cree, Iro., Mont., Ojibwa, English, Smith | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Cree, Iroq., Mikmaq, Ojibway, Oneida, Peigan, Saul, Solomon | BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroq., Malecite, Metis, Ojib., Salish, Spence / Spencer | Metis, Iroq., Cree, Ojib., Saulteaux, Stevens, Stephens (&var.) St. Mars = Cinq-Mars I have slowly been putting together a tree and disconnected branches thereof of Acadian and Canadian metis, using various sources, an Acadian CD, and my knowledge of names currently in the Maine tribes. Tarien = Therrien The Quebec ADNy project In the time of Acadie the French used the word mtis to describe someone of mixed French and indigenous ancestry. This use of Metis Nation would be much more recent than the general french term mtis). Denault = Denno Denis Beauregard di Bertrand,Gillette, Jan, and Pierre Bertrand. Jeangras, Jeangraw Denis Beauregard Histoire Qubec 23, no. Renaud/Renault = Reno The origin of our Acadian families, especially the oldest and largest among them, are but little known. I just kept digging and finally the dots started to connect, and these names became part of my familly.. OGR includes information about Guillaume Capelan m. Unknown Mi'kmaq and their descendants, including Johannes Becker m. Marie David Use shippingfriend to save 15% on two or more CD purchases. The provider is registered as an organization entity type. These are either Surname Anchor Posts or Early French Canadian Pioneer Posts. Co-Administrators Generally, genealogical research consists of digging through old civic or religious records, working backwards from yourself to your ancestors. The list is not comprehensive. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. The term, "Souriquois", means "salt water men" and was commonly used by early French explorers and settlers of our lands to describe the Mi'kmaw People of the Nova Scotia mainland and sea . Scott | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, I Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway. There are several other mtDNA groups that include C1c kits, but I haven't, yet, felt the need to rely upon them. Jaquin=Jaqueen, Jackins, Jakins Co-Administrators Identification on WikiTree Quebec mtDNA also works in association with the Quebec genealogical society. | Reply, My mother name was Claire Bertrand and father name is Alfred Sarrazin, Comment by Mike | Spring = Fontaine Building on the work of academics Kim TallBear and Alondra Nelson, this practice is called aspirational descent. Laliberte | Metis, Chippeway, Mixed Cree, Fr. Ouellette = Willet(te), Wellet(te), Paradee = Paradis Brazo, Brazot, Acadien, Cadien, Deslauriers, Duhamel, Gaudet, Langevin, Laniel, Desrochers, Desroches, Durocher, Lapierre, Laroche, Brosard, Brossar, Brossard, Brossart, Broussard, Duchesneau, Lafontaine, Langevin, Pontoise, Brouseau, Broussau, Brousseau, Brousseaux, Bruseau, Brusseau, Carrier, Duplessis, Laforet, Laroque, St-Antoine, Belhumeur, Bourbonnais, Dauphin, Lasabloniere, Ltang, Cahouet, Cahouette, Caouet, Caouete, Caouette, Campau, Campaut, Campeau, Campo, Campos, Campost, Campot, Bondy, Chevalier, Jacquet, Labont, Lefebvre, Mzire, Carbonau, Carboneau, Carboneaux, Carbonnau, Carbonneau, Carbonneaux, Carbono, Boutin, Chevalier, LHeureux, Leroux, Renaud, Theriault, Carignan, Carignant, Carignian, De Carignan, Deschamps, Desruisseaux, Dussault, Gauthier, Latulippe, Laviolette, Verret, Vidal, Cari, Carier, Cariere, Carri, Carrier, Carrire, Casavan, Casavent, Cazavan, Cazavant, Cazavent, Castongay, Castonguay, Castongue, Gastongay, Gastonguay, Chambellan, Chamberlan, Chamberland, Chamberlang, Champerlant, Chambrelan, Chambreland, Chambrelant, Andegrave, Aubin, Beaugrand, Dupr, Fontenelle, Foureur, Fugre, Gouin, Henault, Lalanne, Lambert, Laplante, Magnan, Orion, Rmy, St-Martin, Sylvestre, Tareau, Chapelain, Chapelin, Chaplain, Chaplin, Chappelain, Bourg, Guyon, Janot, Jolicoeur, Langoumois, Renaud, Chapeu, Chappu, Chapput, Chapu, Chapue, Chapus, Chaput, Belhumeur, Chapa, Cuisinier, Maurice, Senez, Chabonneau, Charbonau, Charbonault, Charboneau, Charbonnau, Charbonneau, Charbonneaux, Daunais, Deouatique, Hbert, Lveill, Martin, Sanscartier, Blondeau, Desjardins, Seigneur, St-Laurent, Chasteauneuf, Chatauneuf, Chateauneuf, Cartoneuf, Antaya, Desranleau, Dumontet, Meneu, Montauban, Pelletier, Beaulieu, Bernet, Jouinne, Normand, St-Germain, Chomedey, Chomedy, Dechaumedey, Dechomeday, Dechomedy, Chambly, Labont, Lapointe, Lariviere, Leonard, Beaupr, Blanger, Buisson, Daumont, Fagnan, Lessard, Magny, St-Amour, Beaudreau, Bouilleron, Brusseau, DEstreme, Fordet, Garnier, Hugues, Hujot, Janet, LaFontaine, Marc, Rousse, Rousseau, Royer, Barette, Berthelot, Breslay, Perrault, Rossignol, Thibier, Fris, Grignon, Languedoc, Lefris, Lilois, Beaumont, Deschnes, Desecors, Desilets, Desprs, Dupuis, Lafleur, Lepine, Lilois, Abraham, Baret, Billy, Cadieux, Desmarais, Herault, Lefebvre, Piette, St-Michel, Cousinau, Cousinault, Cousinaut, Cousineau, Cousino, Cousinot, Couzinaud, Babin, Bourgault, Corbin, Defoy, Fevrier, Gamelin, Hubert, Langevin, Lefebvre, Roberge, Thibodeau, Corteau, Crauteau, Crotau, Croteau, Croto, Crottau, Crotteau, Crotto, Cir, Cire, Cyr, Cyre, Sir, Sire, Siree, Sirre, Syr, Syre, Dagenais, Dagenai, Dagenes, Dagenest, Dagenet, Leprince, Lajeunesse, Lepine, Pigeon, Roux, Roy, Dalair, Dalaire, Dalere, Dallaire, Daller, Dallere, Dechaine, Dechene, Dechenes, Dechenne, Dechesne, Deschaine, Deschaines, Deschene, Deschenes, Deschennes, Deschesne, Deschesnes, Deletancour, Demousel, Languedoc, Paradis, Pelletier, Derocher, Derochers, Desrocher, Desrochers, Desrochets, Dehais, Dehayes, Dehays, Dehes, Deshaies, Deshayes, Beaudin, Charbonnier, Delboeuf, Louvard, Roy, Verger, Zacharie, Bertrand, Duquet, Houde, Jean, Perrault, Sevestre, Devau, Devaux, Deveau, Deveaux, Devost, Devot, Devots, Jolicoeur, Parisien, Perouard, Sanscartier, Deslauriers, Desprs, Dumontier, Dutilly, Guyon, Lemoine, Sansoucy, Bernier, Devidepoche, Jolicoeur, Moreau, Sansoucy, Guyon, Deroin, Derouen, Derouin, Droin, Drouen, Drouin, Breton, DeBlaignac, Foulon, Grossetete, Gueret, Lambert, Laviolette, Marchand, Poitevin, Aimar, Aimard, Aimart, Aymar, Aymard, Aymart, Emart, Haimard, Haymard, Hemard, Hemart, Deslauriers, Gosselin, Ladouceur, Poitevin, Belanger, Blais, Bourget, Clrinm Durivage, Lamadeleine, Lamontagne, Laprairie, Philippe, Pont, Lajeunesse, Lalancette, Laperiere, Larose, Montferrand, Raymond, Charon, Cloutier, Desrosiers, Dufay, Failly, Mandeville, Martin, Piette, Blais, Forget, Goddu, Granger, Labont, Mignault, Paquet, Farland, Ferlan, Ferlant, Frelan, Freland, Frelan, Barbeau, Benoit, Jean, Joli, Labranche, Larose, Lefort, Morin, Tessier, Tiriac, Bellefontaine, Lafortune, Lagrandeur, Paris, Plermel, Belleval, Desilets, Dufresne, Hebert, Lagrenade, Larose, Lesprit, Prfontaine, Vivier, Gagnion, Gaignon, Gangnon, Ganion, Gasnion, Galipau, Galipaux, Galipot, Gallipau, Gallipeau, Galypo, Gaudais, Gaud, Gaudet, Gaudette, God, Godet, Godete, Godette, Gaudereau, Gaudrau, Gaudreau, Gaudro, Goderau, Godereau, Godreau, Godro, Boisverdun, Brulon, Caron, Delaverandrye, DeVarennes, Frappedabord, LaFrance, Landreville, Larouche, Rabot, Saguingorra, St-Germain, Archambault, Beaudoin, Beausejour, Dupuis, Harnois, Houde, Houle, Parisien, Rivard, Servais, Talbot, Gamelin, Hubert, Jeangource, Rivard, St-Franois, Gerard, Geraut, Gerhart, Giar, Girardeau, Girard, Girare, Girart, Girord, Girore, Girouard, Giard, Guerard, Gyrard, Breton, Brindamour, Derain, Devorlay, Girardin, Jeanpierre, Jolicoeur, Larochelle, Miot, Provenal, Sanschagrin, Geroir, Gerroir, Giouard, Giroir, Girroir, Jirouard, Gaudain, Gauden, Gaudin, Godain, Goddin, Godin, Beausejour, Boisjoli, Catalogne, Chatillon, Felix, Lapoterie, Lauliere, Lincourt, Prescot, Tourangeau, Valcourt, Gaudrau, Gaudrault, Gaudreau, Gaudreault, Gaudro, Godereau, Godrault, Godreault, Godro, Godrot, Goodrow, Guibau, Guibaut, Guibeau, Guibo, Guilbau, Guilbaud, Guilbault, Guilbaux, Guilbeau, Guillebault, Guillbeau, Dion, Dionne, Gion, Guillon, Guion, Guyon, Gyon, Yon, Buisson, Desprs, Dumontier, Durouvray, Dutilly, Frenette, Lemoine, Abaire, Abare, Abbot, Ebart, ber, bert, Heber, Heberd, Hbere, Hebert, Herber, Herbert, Hesbert, Hibbart, Hubert, Beaumont, Couillard, Deslauriers, Jolicoeur, Lambert, Larose, Laverdure, Lecompte, Lenoir, Manuel, Henrichon, Jarry, Laforge, Lahaye, Neveu, Madore, Bellefeuille, Blosse, Bonin, Demers, Derousseau, Desrochers, Desruisseaux, Gervais, Houle, Leclerc, Desruisseaux, Durocher, Gervais, Lafranchise, Janson, Jansonne, Jeanson, Jeansone, Johnston. Sauvage is used in some documents but this is not a LNAB or surname for Indigenous people (there are French people with the name Sauvage). The column on the left (first column) contains an alphabetical list of Quebec surnames (family names), as found in sources such as baptismal and marriage registers and in repertories such as Jette, PRDH and Laforest. In 1808, Spain's American colonies, one by one, began to fight for independence. Sebastien | Abenaki, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Innu Montagnais, Mixed-heritage: Algonquin Fr. Maliseet) Mixed-heritage: Cree, Charles | Metis, BC First Nations, Chip., Cree, Iroq., Mikmaq, Mont., Ojibwa, Oneida, Onondaga, Six Nations, Chartrand | Metis, American Indian, Cree, French, Chevrier, Chevalier | Metis, Algonquin, Mixed-heritage, Christie | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Mixed-heritage, Cleary | Montagnais, Mixed-heritage FEB 2023, Colin | Metis, Chippewayan, Cree, French, Ojibway, Collard | Innu Montagnais, Mixed Montagnais,French, Commandant | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Iroquois, Mixed: French, Cooper | BC First Nations (inc. Cowichan, Taupsham), Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, FEB 2023, Corbiere / Corbier | Metis, Chippewa, Ojibway. Grew = Groulx Eventually the name became Acadia. The sticker goes anywhere under the Biography heading. | Reply. Foisy = Foizie Levesque = Levick Julian | Chippewa, Cree, Montagnais,Mikmaq, Kelly | Metis, BC First Nations, Iroquois, Ojibway, Kennedy | Metis, Assiniboine, BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Mikmaq, Oneida, Sioux, King | Metis, Algonquin, BC Blackfoot, Chip., Cree, Iroquois, Ojibway, Ottawa, Saulteaux, Six Nation, Klyne | Metis, Chippewa, Cree, French,German, Lafleur | Metis, Cree, French,Iroquois, Lafontaine | Metis, Algonquin, Cree, Montagnais, Laforme | Chippewa, Iroquois, Mohawk, Mixed-heritage: Mohawk, Lafrance | Algonquin, Iroquois, Montagnais, Ochhippawa.
Cano Funeral Home Obituaries, Articles A