Here are the relevant pieces and I have a fuller Fiddle at rev2023.3.3.43278. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. This should work just fine to disable single title: If you need the title afterwards, you can restore it: This way is not generic though.. to have it applied to all the anchors, have such JavaScript code: Edit: to apply same for more tags (e.g. Also, add a class attribute with the name tooltip. Here, the anchor tag using to give the URL of Is there a way to accomplish this using CSS alone? Ive done it this way because I needed the title to be blank while hovering, but like I mentioned in the article, maybe youve found a cleaner way. Not for you, even here on SO in the demo? As you can see in the demo, it still takes up space above the second link. You can wrap your inner text in a span and give that an empty title attribute. Why are trials on "Law & Order" in the New York Supreme Court? "change-something"): $("a").on("change-something", function(event) { this.removeAttr("title"); }); How do I reduce the opacity of an element's background using CSS? Can's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? You can do a custom solution using CSS3. I want to hide the title only. No, not really. To remove the element from the flow of the page: To hide the element but keep it in the flow of the page: Try article#node-13 h2.title { display: none; }, this will only hide the title element if it is inside node 13. ", this would be a nice solution, unfortunately doesn't work for all browsers (eg. But might I suggest that you use a custom field like 'data-title' so the default browser behaviour doesn't interfere with your custom solution. Yes @Hafenkranich, that's why in my answer I wrote "Keep in mind that JS is a better solution since this CSS property will ensure that the element is never the target of any mouse events. WebWe can apply CSS to display any HTML element on hovering over the tag by using an adjacent sibling selector. I did just learn something about titles though this doesnt work: