Occasionally, a lone astronomer may peer too long, gazing into Jupiters Red Spot, perhaps causing them to see something no human should seewith dire consequences for that person. It is known that the remains of specific humans (usually, humans of note) are sought after by the cult for offerings to the Old One, with some ghouls undertaking pilgrimages to bring such remains to Mordiggian. Of course, the affected persons whole attention is focused on the puzzle, so they are unable to feed or care for themselves, and require others to attend to them and feed them. As a result, a human would be unable to move until the Old One departs (a process likely to cause a human host to die, if they havent already died from some new and horrific lifeform bursting from their chest or head). Regenerates at the rate of 20 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). Likewise, the Sumerian deity, Ereshkigal is thought by a few scholars to be a humaninspired personification of Quachil Uttaus, although some oppose this line of thought as pure hokum. This Old One is said to manipulate time and space: able to control the flow of time forward and backward, able to manipulate matter to move or be transported through the fibers of space, and capable of just as easily creating and destroying matter. When the door was opened, the soldiers found Byatis waiting below. Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points. Some entries are not quite alphabetical, but based on their place of origin, for example: "Tindalos, Hounds of" or "Shub-Niggurath, Dark Young of." Was expecting some more artwork, but some the of the descriptions for the monsters are simplistic (such as blobs, formless entities, and regular animals corrupted in some way), so I can't in good conscious take away points for that. An intriguing reference with the Pnakotic Manuscripts has led some to believe Rhan Tegoth is the spawn of ShubNiggurath, although some counter this argument, saying the passage is being misinterpreted and that the Old One is the spawn of Tsathoggua. It reforms in 10D100 years. Over 500 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power! GREAT OLD ONES Abhoth 23 Aphoom Zhah 25 Arwassa 27 Atlach-Nacha 29 Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg 39 Bugg-Shash 43 Byatis 45 Chaugnar Faugn 47 Cthugha 49 Cthulhu 51 Cthylla 62 Cyegha 65 Cymaeghi 67 Cythulos 69 Eihort 77 Ghatanothoa 83 Ghizguth 86 Glaaki 89 Gnophkehs 91 Gol-goroth 93 Groth-golka 95 Han 97 Hastalk 99 Hastur the Unspeakable 100 Hziulquoigmnzhah 112 Idh-yaa 114 Iod 116 Ithaqua 117 Kassogtha 122 Lilith 124 Mguleloc (? Possibly, somehow reducing Ghroths POW to zero would cause the entity to cease to exist or become a lifeless planet. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: does not normally utilize spells. Keith Herber: The Beast, The Faceless God, The Haunter of the Dark, and Quachil Uttaus. bullets) inflict minimum damage. Grasp (mnvr): grabbed by a pseudopod, the target suffers 10D6 damage and, on the following round, is pulled into the Outer Gods bubbling mass and absorbed. Certain tomes, perhaps the foremost of which is the Necronomicon, describe Great Cthulhu as a high priest who will somehow play a major role in the breaking of the Elder wards that appear to bind and imprison numerous Old Ones and their like. Again, these should be considered as inspiration. It is said that some moon-beasts worship Utulls-Hrher, gathering on the dark side of the moon to hold strange and horrific ceremonies. Regenerates 3 hit points per magic point spent in healing itself (death at zero hit points). Aura Speed of Sound: able to move at the speed of sound. Nihilistic in the extreme, such cults wish to make others believe that life is meaningless and that only through death can meaning be found. According to the Book of Eibon, Groth-Golka resides beneath Mount Antarktos (somewhere in the South Polar region) upon a Black Cone. Despite investigations by a number of researchers, the meaning or purpose of this Black Cone remains elusive, although a few have suggested this may be a cryptic code concerning some form of powerful energy device or one of the exceedingly rare Dark Gates that is thought to reverse time and matter. Only if we can watch for the signs and strive to prevent what follows, might we perhaps have a chance of survival, although I fear it is but a slim chance. What was a moment ago Fred the doorman is now a portion of Tsathoggua wearing a rapidly disintegrating flesh suit. Such possession does not necessarily have to kill off a character, the manifestation could be more psychic than physical, allowing that character (or investigator) to survive, but they now carry some taint or scarwhich might later be used to fuel a new adventure or build to a poignant climax of either destruction or salvation. 271-5-82400-558-3. When the avatar finally appears to the transgressor, the chains heat to incandescence, charring the body and killing the mortal foolish enough to anger the Outer God. Whenever magic points are drained, the victim(s) should make a CON roll, as no magic points can be recovered until a CON roll is successful (victims may roll once per day). Preparation in this regard may mean guarding and protecting certain locations (sacred sites) thought to be places where Small Crawler will one day appear, crawling up through the ground to manifest among its worshippers. Fundamental truths of the cosmos herein lie, to be used to support and inspire countless adventures by bringing Cthulhu, Hastur, Azathoth, and many others to your games. Most times, such victims are unaware of being under the mind control and may have no memory of undertaking tasks; however, if they become aware, they may attempt to break free 201 CHAPTER 2 m a l of violence against others, as well as the musicians playing. Others are sent forth into the world, usually alongside the gods other minions, to act as a leader of sorts. Should the accounts of the wizard Sunda-lon fall into the wrong hands, one might suppose a knowledge of this Old One could inspire some to take up its worship. Most will be repelled and feel a profound sense of unease at their alienness. Cult Zhar and Lloigor Clearly, those tcho-tcho who remained close in proximity have continued to worship Zhar and Lloigor, becoming devoted guardians. Were using armor value as the example here, but the intent shown applies to the rest of the statistics for your deity too. Some may find or persuade others to join them in their new cause. RAMADA BY WYNDHAM ESSEN welcomes you with 176 rooms, an on-site restaurant & bar, private paid parking, and electric car charging stations. Hit Points: 200 Damage Bonus (DB): +15D6 Build: 16 Move: 0 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (lash or grab) If threatened, lashes out or grabs, forming pseudopods, tentacles, or limbs to do so. MORDIGGIAN (Great Old One) Throughout the night in that accursed vault deep in the earth, my guides eyes flickered with delight as he told me of Mordiggian, the god of its kind. Indeed, those nightgaunts associated with the entity somehow smell and seem different from their kin in the thrall of other beings. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: LESSER ELDER GODS STR 130 Cult CON 170 SIZ 200 DEX 100 Hit Points: 37 Damage Bonus (DB): +3D6 Build: 4 Move: 10 / 30 flying Combat Attacks per round: 5 (force lash) or 1 (cast away) May lash out with shafts of flame or light at up to five opponents, or can target a single opponent to cast them away through the air. The people of Goatswood rarely venture beyond the towns borders, which are surrounded by dense woods, with only one road connecting to main routes through the Seven Valley, although trains do also provide access to and through the town. Experience it with 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu. Thus, such pairs may communicate telepathically and essentially feel the others thoughts even when miles distant. Despair and/or contempt may stir within those who are touched by the entity or who witness its cult ceremonies. An Extreme DEX roll may allow the victim to squirm free, or a group of friends may try to pull the victim free with an opposed STR roll against Kassogtha (see page 88 of Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook, Physical Human Limits). STR 200 CON 400 SIZ 150 *DEX may increase to 80 or more with maturity. Those in the process of spellcasting may note unusual sensations and feel reality-warping, as though something from Outside were breaking or chewing through the fabric of dimensions. According to some sources, Kassogtha shares some relationship with Great Cthulhu, with more than one tome speaking of these deities creating or unifying to form or breed the entities commonly known as Nctosa and Nctolhu. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. In addition, each chosen one knows 1D6 spells. To determine the success of the dream-pull calculate the sum of Glaakis current magic points minus the targets magic points, with the result expressed as a target number to be rolled on percentage dice (e.g. May create pseudopods to whip and strike, or to seize opponents. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Curse of Chaugnar Faugn, Summon/Bind Brother of Chaugnar Faugn, others as the Keeper desires. Mind Swop: truly devoted individuals may be blessed by having their mind transferred into the body of a dark young or other creation of the Dark Mother. Presumably, on other worlds, the physical form is different yet draws from the local wildlife to a similar effect. The Unseen Ones are a small cult of humans believed to be based in the North American Midwest. SIZ 60* HZIULQUOIGMNZHAH DEX 150 (Great Old One) It had a toad-like shape, if its flaccid and sack-like body possessed any shape at all, covered in wet fur that gathered in clumps. Whereupon the light shall broaden and be cone-like and shall remain grounded. Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: 9 (varies) Move: 6 Combat Attacks per round: n/a Daoloth does not use attack forms other than engulfing those around it (see Containment, above). DEX 80 Hit Points: 70 Damage Bonus (DB): +7D6 Build: 8 Move: 12 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (bite, swallow, strike, or crush) May attack with its beak to bite or swallow, use its legs or spines to strike, or its bulk to crush. It is feasible to assume it may replicate other forms, such as multiple burning spheres or roughly humanoid, although we have no clear evidence of this. The Elder magic appears to be engraved into the land, affecting anyone who joins the community and lives there for 12 months. Star Messages (Boston, 1878) by Clarence Fosters includes a section that many scholars attribute to the authors firsthand experience of an encounter with Tulzscha. Another tells of a mysterious Pale Acolyte who will one day come to bear Chaugnar Faugn to a new land. Some scholars suggest the Pale Acolyte is none other than Nyarlathotep, although this line of thinking has been dismissed by others, who believe the figure is another Old One, who is destined to combine with and thereby become one with Chaugnar Faugn. The mi-go are one such race, who regard Idh-yaa as an avatar of Shub-Niggurath, and who have undertaken to study and learn from this entity, although at great cost. This Triumvirate of Destiny (as this grouping is sometimes called) are said to be vessels through which Nyarlathotep may speak. An unearthly power surges through the character, with crackles of black electricity sparking from their hands and head. In combat, Lilith must win the combat to force an opponent into a kiss. A small group, which, so far, have been unable to replicate Eibons work, they strive to acquire Mythos texts, spells, and artifacts (particularly those having some association with Eibon) that they believe will help in their quest. If the target cannot dodge (a success is all that is required to move out of the way of the slow advance) or is unable to move (frozen in fear or Transfixedsee below), the Old One moves inexorably forward to touch them and cause them to age and die (see Entropy nearby). Mundane weapons are destroyed after an initial strike (see Corrosion and Toxicity); note that while bullets are affected, they deal their normal damage being single strike weapons. Sanity points when Powers Earth Tremor: when appearing, Ahtu rises from the ground, causing earth tremors in the region of level 5 on the Richter Scale, causing buildings to shake or collapse and people to be knocked off their feet (f unable to succeed with a DEX roll), while those within 10 yards/meters are assaulted with searing heat (6D6 damage) and chunks of rock (3D6 damage unless dodged). Immune to mundane weapon (incl. A strange cone-shaped rock stands within a clearing in the woods surrounding Goatswood, which, according to some, is an entranceway to the Keepers lair, and possibly used by the avatar when summoned by the Moon-Lens. Yet more dispute both these theories and state Gnophkehs is a god-like Old One, whose name in the human tongue just closely resembles the ghoph-keh. The Keeper determines who might hear and be affected, although investigators should only hear the whispers if they fumble a Luck roll. Bugg-Shash remains an enigma to wizards and humanity in general. Aura If handling this entitys remains, they would feel wrong and although bone-dry would feel slick as if coated with a film of grease or oil, and the smell would be horrendous. Utulls-Hrher 211 CHAPTER 2 m a l One faction of the cult, the Daughters of Isolation, has come to the foreground with their absolute devotion to spreading the infection of Utulls-Hrhers worship. Other names: the Howler, Mind Eater, the Silent Shouter, the Wailer. Aura Often a sense of ancient glory or faded history accompanies this entity, as well as the sensation of wondrous knowledge just beyond ones grasp. Eihort, master of the labyrinth Sanity Loss: 1D6/1D20 Sanity points. 30 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings Spider-Like: able to move like a spider up walls, spin web from fingers, or have enhanced visual or physical senses. depart quickly, although occasionally one will remain for an extended period, perhaps serving the cult as a guardian or teacher of arcane wisdom (spells), with Shub-Niggurath channeling thoughts and gifts through the dark young. Recovered annals of the serpent people speak of Yig at first dwelling in Yoth or Kn-yan, but later moving to some secret place named Ydethal. Much of what has been written about Hziulquoigmnzhah suggests it has an affinity with metal, with idols and other paraphernalia associated with the deity most likely be comprised of metal. Certainly, some scholars have come to the same conclusion, citing the mi-gos worship of the entity some humans have termed the Haunter of the Dark or Sand Bat, which is not at all human and distinctly alien in appearance. Be the first to hear our latest news and updates. Some suggest that this entity is more like a magical Encounters While it is possible that rites to summon Mguleloc exist, it is more likely that the entity hijacks the magical summons of others, arriving to eat those involved and close by before departing. All Ss are sibilants. Other names: All-In-One, the Key and the Gate, Lurker at the Threshold, Opener of the Way, Ramasekva, Un-Sos, Yo-Sotot. Those who survive, emerge from Hans mist having aged 1D10 years per 5 points of POW lost (such drained POW is gone forever). All parts of it seemed malleable and changeable, for its limbs seemed stiff and rigid but would then curl and wave like boneless jelly. 100 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult The Unspeakable One dwells near the star Aldebaran (in the constellation Taurus). Until we stand before this miasma of death and embrace our doom, we shall not truly know its like. Perhaps, some truth lies at the heart of this, with the former being the progeny or an externalized portion of the latter. Such individuals are alive in body only, their mind having been consumed by the Crawling Chaos. Eventually, the lump bursts open, causing the host 1D6 damage. As the Keeper, you should feel empowered to make your own decisions about what fits your story: which Mythos gods you wish to use, how they relate to one another (if at all), and how they play a role in your games. Thus, this being may, at times, act in opposition to those considered as Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, whose remit appears more aligned to destroying and recreating the cosmos in their image or to their design. Created Jun 16, 2021. Enhanced Appearance: the blessing reshapes the followers face and form, increasing APP to 80+1D10 points. Should a collector come into possession of such a bottle, the choice as to whether to open and taste the wine or save their investment may prove a tough dilemma, as it is said the wine can cure all ills and grant immortality. Such people have probably already indulged in activities or taken an interest in what might be considered depraved activities, with Ygolonacs influence essentially driving them deeper into moral turpitude at the expense of their humanity. Acquaintances, friends, and family members may be affected, drawing in others to delve into the mystery of their sudden behavior changes or disappearances. If true, one might suppose that these entities played a role in the casting down of the Great Old Ones in pre-history, and perhaps even now act as watchers or prison wards to ensure the Old Ones bindings remain fixed and secure. Within the stories of Lovecraft and those of other authors working with the fabric of the Cthulhu Mythos, the Mythos has always been presented in an inconsistent manner, much as real-world myths have inconsistencies and contradictions. Such feelings may be particularly amplified when experienced in isolation amidst ancient forests. Such feelings would be identical but amplified in the presence of the Old One. 262 CONTRIBUTOR BIOGRAPHIES LOC MUZY PAUL FRICKER An illustrator for over 10 years, Loc Muzy works mainly in the world of roleplaying games. Casting time: 2D10+2 minutes Cult The Vach-Viraj incantation is a rite for the banishment of Old Ones, although lore suggests it has only been fully effective against Nyogtha, and it remains unknown to what degree the rites performance would have upon another god-like entity or on lesser Mythos beings. Encounters If experimenting with the Gate spell or similar portals, one may inadvertently find a way into the pocket dimension holding Yu-mengtis. Its appearance so alien, so hideous, and inherently wrong that it causes humans to become literally petrified on the spot. Typical Physical Manifestation Details STR, CON, SIZ, and DEX, as well as hit points, damage bonus, build, and movement rate. Many believe that Abhoth has some form of connection to Tsathoggua, but whether the relationship is familiar or antagonistic is uncertain. It would be a 5+ star product if it just had more art work. It introduced three new entities alongside preexisting ones, following a Chaosium competition. Noxious chemicals swirl around its body, forming a deadly cloud some 100 yards/meters in radius. Fighting Overwhelm mind 90% (45/18), damage 1D4+1D4 or, if armed, 1D8+1D4 90% (45/18) (see above) Armor None. The priesthood 186 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS crackle of static, as well as a distinctly alien coldness emitted by the entity. What is without a doubt is the multi-capability of the Unspeakable One, who lives in a variety of independent but co-existing forms, with the one known as Hastur at their center. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: QUACHIL UTTAUS STR 60 CON 100 SIZ 30 DEX 15 Hit Points: 13 Damage Bonus (DB): 0 Build: 0 Move: 1 Combat Attacks per round: 1 (touch) Does not engage in combat as such, and simply approaches (in an inevitable fashion) to touch a target. According to fragmentary notes in certain tomes concerning aquatic matters, Father Dagon and Mother Hydra are considered the god-like leaders of the deep ones, which may mean they are essentially the grand high priest and priestess in terms of the deep ones connection to Great Cthulhu. Fighting Bite/Kiss Monstrous Form STR 150 85% (42/17), damage 1D6+1D6 60% (30/12), damage 1D4+1D6 or magic point drain CON 250 SIZ 360 DEX 120 Hit Points: 61 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 4 (slash and pierce) or 1 kiss (bite) Uses four of its six limbs, each equipped with claw-like talons, to slash or pierce, or may kiss (bite) once per round. Most agree that this avatar seems to embody the Unspeakable Ones rage or hatred, if such emotions can be applied. The ability works within a 5 yard/meter area, allowing sight of all directions, behind walls, inside containers, and so on, all at once. Manipulate Time: able to hasten or slow time within a 50 yard/meter area. As such, these splinters of the deity do not speak and move relativity slowly, often remaining still for long periods of time. There was no head, just the bloated bulk that once was Humphries, expanded and filled with the majesty of Ygolonac! Yu-mengtis, the vile one Sanity Loss: 1/2D10 Sanity points to witness Yu-mengtis manifest through human possession; 1/1D10+1 to encounter Yu-mengtis in human-like form; 1D6/4D10 to encounter the Old One in its true form. A few have commented that the entities did not originate in either of these constellations, which were merely staging posts, with Zhar and Lloigor heralding from a dimension named Jun-darr, said now to be inaccessible. Finally, thanks to all the authors, designers, and creators, who from Lovecraft onward have shared their dreams and nightmares with us, as without them there would be no Cthulhu. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: NYOGTHA STR 425 NYOGTHA (Great Old One) The painting showed a glistening, gelatinous blob of living darkness within what appeared to be a vast cavern deep underground. Aura Idols of Zoth-Ommog feel cold to the touch and often make the holder or viewer feel as though they were momentarily sinking in deep water or, worse, drowning. Should the Luck roll be fumbled, the individuals whole body becomes infested with cancerous growths, which combine over time into one massive tumor that then becomes a huge eye growing out of a pile of corrupted flesh. If the Red Spots creation was directed by the will of cosmic entities to bind and hold Nctosa and Nctolhu, what action may have prompted this event? Cult As yet, Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg has no organized human cult, although small groups of worshippers are likely, especially those who have had some form of contact with the deity or those who have an association with ghouls. Those who have crossed Hastur in some way may find themselves beset with terrifying nightmares warning that they are soon to be visited by the Feaster. bullets). Pus Spray: the pus from this Great Old One contains virulent toxins. Things in the blast area are torn to pieces and the ground is ruptured. Glagga: a liquid entity resembling mercury but near transparent. My research suggests that those who would call up the Old Ones should provide some form of offering, which if accepted, grants them access to immortality, magic, and deep secrets. All parts bursting and renewing, dripping, joining, melting, and reshaping. 106 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult No known human cult exists for this awful avatar, although wise members of the Cult of Hastur make sacrifices and tokens of appeasement to this entity to ensure its goodwill toward them. The cults membership remains almost exclusively Chinese and enjoys strong links to the criminal underworld. Apart from the Vaeyen, the Old One is served by minions known as nagae (sometimes nagae or nugga), horrible things of transparent flesh wrought in the visage of a horrific human-frog hybrid. This point lends credence to the notion that within our universe Daoloths form is unending and that, if no walls hold it in place, it will continue to expand and grow, causing untold schism to the fabric of reality and the possibility of permanent damage to Earths space-time. and may flying off with them., or may kick or stomp with its legs. 231 CHAPTER 2 m a l YOG-SOTHOTH Yibb-Tstll and, perhaps troublingly, with the Unspeakable One (Hastur).
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