This protocol is to be in effect for all illegal drugs with the exception of marijuana. The District will determine the number of names to be drawn at random for drug testing. 3. Students who are infected with chronic and/or infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, shall attend the school and classroom to which they would be assigned if they were not infected. To keep positive test results confidential, the principal will notify only the student, the students parent or guardian. Every public school in the United States is required to provide a free and equitable education to all school age children who live within the boundaries of the school district, regardless of immigration status. Items and donations contributed to the Rankin County School District will become the property of the district and shall be subject to the same controls and regulations which govern the use or disposal of all district owned property. People with this skin disease can cause the bumps to spread to different parts of their body by touching or scratching a bump and then touching another part of the body. Tier 2: Focused supplemental instruction, 3. Parents/guardiansmay waive the five day waiting period and request earlier testing, if possible. Furthermore, the Rankin County School District defines reasonable actions including but not limited to promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior. I go to a performing arts school where there is no dress code, so students get to express their style through fashion. 3. Follow on Social Media. Further, the privilege of participating in physical education, athletic programs, competitive sports and recess is not conditional on the students medical status relative to the infectious disease. Northwest Middle School is a diverse community of learners, and is committed to providing outstanding support to all students. Dismissals (JGFC). The notice provided to a parent or eligible student under this section shall be in the language of the parent or eligible student. Located just south of Tulsa, Jenks Public Schools now encompasses over 40 square miles and serves more than 12,000 students at its ten school sites. However, the DDC shall be the sole judge as to the truthfulness or reliability of all matters presented. They are as follows: 3. At that time, the student may waive a hearing before the official and punishment for the particular offense will be imposed. The Rankin County School District, in compliance with AHERA requirements, has inspections of all asbestos containing materials (ACM) within the district conducted by Pickering Environmental of Jackson. This approach is intended to increase individuality and creativity, while easing uniform requirements for our middle school families. We also share the deep concerns of our community about the current treatment of migrants and asylum seekers, especially minors, at the U.S. Mexico border, and deplore the use of family separation as a tool of immigration policy aimed at deterring people seeking safety. at his discretion, setting guidelines for utilization of school personnel during school hours for this purpose and relinquishing accountability for these funds to the identified outside organization; 7. the principal shall establish prices to be charged by the school for admission to extracurricular activity events (athletic games, etc. The School Counselor will enroll the student with temporary grade and class assignments, andgive notice to the student and their parents/guardians of the date(s) of test administration(s). English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and mainstream classroom teachers alike share the responsibility for the EL's whole education, both in language and academic content. The affected area should be covered while at school unless the infection is around the nose or the mouth. 130 Tiger Drive A. Relative to the special education program only, all personally identifiable data, except that which is kept in accordance with law, will be destroyed within a period of five years following the end of services to a child, except for records required by the law to be kept. Hence, teachers shall pursue work not turned in prior to assigning term grades, exacting a reasonable penalty for late work when appropriate. The phone number where parent, guardian, or custodian can be reached. Gang activity which initiates, promotes, or advocates activities that threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupts the school environment are harmful to the educational process. A Board of Education ruling allows the sale of food on campus up to one hour prior to the meal service period and after the period ends. The parents and local agency shall have an opportunity to present evidence relative to the case. Students will have a locker assigned to them. Clothing and accessories that could be interpreted as promoting hate or communicating a negative, profane, or vulgar message are not permitted. ), with the utilization of pre-numbered tickets required if it is anticipated that the event will generate gross receipts in excess of $100. Principal:Amanda Clark Everyone has a role to play in helping to create the proper learning environment. 6. A liaison for students in homeless situations will be designated by the district to carry out duties as required by law. Se asignar un armario a cada estudiante. No student will be allowed to drive himself/herself to the alternative school. Staph is a common germ that lives on the skin and in nasal passages that can cause skin infections. SDoL middle schools will pilot a relaxed dress code for the 2021-22 school year. 2. Exceptions must be submitted to RCSD County office personnel for approval. Note: During times of pandemic, epidemic, or community spread of communicable disease, face masks/coverings will be required on buses since social distancing is not possible. Students will be transported in a public or chartered conveyance by duly licensed drivers in a vehicle with adequate liability insurance. No shorts worn by any student shall be so short in length or so wide as to leg circumference as to reveal a students undergarments. b. Once a police report has been filed, the district, in conjunction with the local law enforcement agency may deploy locating software to aid authorities in recovering the device. Pants, shorts and skirts must be worn at the waist level. Assignments of term, semester, and final grades shall be made as follows. Tardies to school and class may be excused or unexcused at the discretion of the principal or his designee. Principal:Kristen Langerman Such vaccinations shall be made prior to enrollment, or shall be completed within the date specified on Form 121.The principal shall enforce the immunization requirements suspending any student not in compliance. No formal rules of evidence shall apply to DDC meetings. 2. Providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training; 3. Principal:Angela Nichols Principal:Lindsay Starbuck For Elementary and Middle Schools. 2. (EXAMPLE NOTICE: This sale is being conducted as a fund raising event. Nothing in this policy is intended to prejudge the education received by a student in any non-accredited school, but only to assure maintenance of educational standards within the District. Always cross the roadway in front of the bus when entering or leaving and walk approximately 10 feet ahead of front bumper. Last year, Bartram Trail High School's dress code banned girls from wearing "revealing" or "distracting" clothing. District employees shall submit statistical data to the State Department of Education regarding compulsory attendance violations and student attendance in the manner prescribed by that agency. Both the permanent record and cumulative folder shall be available to school officials, including teachers within the district who have a legitimate educational interest in the pupil. 6. Phone:601.825.5742 6. using threats or intimidation against any other person. Assessment results need to inform instruction, and ELs who are not progressing should receive additional support and services, which should be documented in the Language Service Plan (LSP). Principal:Dr.Kristal Pollard The superintendent will take such action only after consultation with transportation, emergency management, weather authorities or other agencies as necessitated by the circumstances. Brandon, MS 39047 East Burke Middle School. Direct observation and/or confirmation by a Rankin County School District employee of drug and/oralcohol use or possession; 2. Parental Involvement (LA) Recognizing the challenges faced by military recruiters, Congress recently passed legislation that requires high schools to provide to military recruiters, upon request, access to secondary school students and directory information on those students. Hats, beanies, sunglasses, backpacks, or bags are not allowed. Parents and staff members develop the schools Strategic Plan. Use of Tobacco and Smoking Devices (JCDAA) 3. This policy supplements all other disciplinary policies of the Rankin County School District relative to drug or alcohol violations. All central office, maintenance and bus garage personnel will report for duty until released by the superintendent. Phone:601.845.5724 Alert a teacher, administrator, or other staff member if they see threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online. Parents of students and eligible students shall have opportunity to a hearing to challenge the content of education records in order to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein and to insert into such records a written explanation of the parents and eligible students respecting the content of such records. Equal Educational Opportunities. This policy will be reviewed on an on-going basis in accordance with the Boards policy review process. If the student tests positive at any time during the 28-day removal period, the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two nine-weeks and will be removed from extracurricular activities for a calendar year. If a student fails the subject area test, he/she will be allowed to participate in the Mississippi Graduation Assessment Options.
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