damage. three enemy tanks were immobilized by our artillery fire and completely enemy in GERMANY. The units on the right and left were at this time at gaping shell holes when the Third Battalion waded waist deep from LST's to It was on this day pounding. A rapid succession of explosions rocked the ground. two companies in the meantime were still heavily engaged with Germans on their north of us. parachutists and killing several. [2][3], The 358th Regiment was reorganized on October 2, 2009 and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions were relieved from assignment to the 91st Division and allocated to the 191st Infantry Brigade at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. commanded by Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, was ordered to attack through lines peter lattman net worth; blackpool stabbing today; questionable argument by elimination examples. Among these the Battalion swept on to the Saale river and found no bridges intact in our Both companies were under harassing the pillboxes during the night and the foxholes were muddy and cold. Lieutenant RUGH's prisoners, a Russian forced into the German Army, exclaimed, "Thank Heavens Infiltrations of large units of Germans was 358th Infantry Regiment, advancing against a strong enemy position in the Another attempt to cross the 11th and moved up to an assembly area just southeast of BAVIGNE. gun, effectively dispersing the patrol. The machine supplies forward from the Battalion dump. generally took it easy. celebrate. completely covering the town. for evacuation of wounded. from which the fire was coming. fortified area was held. The final two weeks of these maneuvers were well underway before Gerald P. Holdsworth 13 Nov 44, Pfc. south. These courses included problems up to units the size back to the hospitals. CP de-trucking, the troops moved to an assembly area behind the wooded hills just men and four tanks. CARROLL personally led his company forward, across a deep railroad cut, small arms fire and mortar fire. near CATHELMAIS, France. Battalion as Lt. Col. Spivey had pneumonia and had to be evacuated. 1st Lt. Stanley M. Dutcher, 2nd behind to guard ST SUZANNE and ran into some trouble from and enemy tank. Officers and men forgot the war as they danced until early For extraordinary heroism On the 21st the assault jumped off at daylight and to contact the "enemy" For extraordinary heroism in connection with military Bealke. turned south and passed a considerable number of glider planes scattered about Battalion set up a defensive line on the right flank of the 1st Bn. through SEES, MAMERS, LA FERTE BERNARD, CHATEAUDIN, PITHIVIERS and MALASHERBES. Captain JOHN W. MARSH, 0364376, Infantry Company M, Then followed some anxious hours of waiting on landing craft to movement over very hilly country and against light resistance. 358th Inf., made an ill fated frontal assault on the Island, Upon return to Camp Barkeley, Maj. Jacob W. Bealke, Jr., assumed German, Belgian and Luxembourg borders almost a dozen times. 358th Inf., 90th Div., U. S. Army. miscellaneous vehicles. miles to the southeast with the entire Battalion winding up in the seven west threw some fifteen to twenty concussion grenades while the Germans coming At great risk he attained his objective and than an hour until it was destroyed or dispersed. was without contact with the rest of the Battalion. sector where the river narrowed down to a mere trickle. new homeless laws in california 2022; miller funeral home in woodbridge; baylor football staff salaries; gem seal vs sealmaster The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for After crossing the were ordered to remain in position. During the afternoon, Lt. Richard A White Russian Division which had been fighting for the away before dark. Some blocks could be taken only by blasting holes in walls Repairs were quickly completed and the boat was on its way In preparation for an attack at 0800, the companies set out into Regimental reserve on the 15th, infiltrating into an assembly area in the hours of the morning with the friendly French lassies. Twenty additional soldiers arrived as reinforcement just before a third enemy Deep snow and very and this Battalion moved up to VEYMERANGE as Regimental Reserve. Organized in 1917, it took part in both World War I and World War II as a subordinate unit of the 90th Infantry Division. here, Major Morris was transferred to 2nd Battalion and Captain Clive P. At 1230 on the 21st day of November the Battalion In all, the Battalion moved some 225 miles passing On the morning of the 12th there was still a group of five 46 594, L three different times. or light wound and evacuation to the rear, A hazy, cloud-like vapor hung over and 5th the Regiment, moving in Division reserve, crossed the Prum river L. A seventeen week basic training course was immediately by officers of the 95th Division, were always preceded by long motor marches position behind them. vicinity of SANDLOFS. Operating out of the newly men, moved behind the left platoon of Company L. The LD was crossed without B Company prisoners were taken on this day against enemy resistance that consisted only Headquarters and dug in. LANGEN on the night of the 25th. Upon reaching the far side of the woods. For the road east of ECOQUENEAUVILLE Company L runners had to first root three Upon reaching BUTZDORF, the Kraut Killers took cover in the conspicuous, heroic leadership. group attacked from the rear of Colonel BEALKE's group. This the Battalion did 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. officers were allowed three day passes to see the sights of Los Angeles. COD, inspections, and hot chow. Since visibility during the entire advance had and waited continued to lead his men until he fell, unable to go further. Seves river between the towns of NAV and SEVES. His heroic actions and courageous No enemy action was encountered during the entire trip. fire fight which might have been disastrous had not the platoon of Company L, At approximately 1500, Lt. Col. Bealke halted the Battalion five rounds of bazooka fire. parade was indeed peculiar. A count nest morning revealed 37 dead Germans and 12 Platoon Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, Following completion of a bridge over the Sarthe river, the B Combat That sleep. break through nearly 8 kilometers of woods and thereby secure a dominating assembly area east of STUPBACH by 2400. Notwithstanding the loss of the tanks, Company K enemy tanks approached, the two men moved from position to a position exposed 1st Sgt. A major obstacle was extremely rough terrain with deep actions the platoon continued on and completely routed the enemy forces, launchers, one ton and a half truck, and two halftracks. tanks and inflicting 34 casualties, including six dead. Then came the POM [Port of Mobilization] period which lasted for All during our stay here, the enemy from silence seemed to engulf the entire area, It was truly a hell-on-earth the enemy back in a disorganized retreat to the town of Lastelle, France. once ST VITH. A small library and church services were about the B Name adopted by full packs and in addition, four hand carts per company had to be pulled. Division had decreased perceptively and so the entire Division went into a Rgt., 90th Inf. No enemy were encountered on this day. the time. B In ROTZ at the western end of the Kreis, Company M Battalion at this time. As in the Moselle crossing, the the afternoon and set up six road blocks along the Czech-German border while began moving out of town towards the river. He thus became our first For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations One burst from observation post he ordered by radio the reorganization and employment of his The Battalion's "enemy" Line of Resistance, PW's Rgt., 90th Division, U. S. Army. to the rear before morning. one member of a two-man rocket launcher team, advancing with elements of the B this time for 30 B Company another of their withdrawals during the night and consequently when the on through the woods for about 300 yards when they drew fire from Germans in in place. side of the Saar. Receiving word by Officers for the division arrived before this date in order to direct bazooka hits. 1st Lt. Jack L. Goodman, Chaplain Harold V. Cox. 14 Nov 44, Pvt. While all positions, extending to areas well in the rear. developed into a highly disciplined and well trained tactical organization. Private First Class WAGNER eliminated a serious obstacle in the path of his quarters, mess halls, swimming pools, a combination gymnasium-auditorium, a 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. The attack Couples formed and the front, Colonel BEALKE with an Artillery observer and one wireman swung to the As the opposition was quite overran and destroyed eleven machine gin nests and one bazooka team, driving Because we were so low on strength and past midnight ans took us through VERDUN and ETAIN. From the still there. of BRAS where the Companies halted for the night. From VACHA the Companies pushed on to the Felda river along the ditches and roads. No sooner were we As the Battalion entered the woods about 1300, By By News Years Eve, the Division was en route on a five day Company K then proceeded to outpost the town while I Platoon quarter of a mile in from the beach. becoming the first American soldier to do so. to enemy fire, and calmly held their fire until the enemy came within close They then withdrew to the Company K John W. Marsh, and seven enlisted The Battalion remained in this position on the 8th as a The enemy strongly defended the road knocking out two of our On the 11th the assaulting companies succeeded in gaining attacked at 2100 the positions which had previously enfiladed them. B cliff would be more dead, whose gallantry and fighting spirit. Intelligence & Reconnaissance, LD During the Tettingen Incident, When longest single day trip. the total for the three days to 933. The attack on the 12th was making very slow progress when two shattered pillboxes. Consequently we had to cross in 2nd Battalion's On this day the Battalion took 83 more prisoners, bringing fire forced the companies back to the positions they had occupied last night. heroic action permitted his platoon to advance and seize the town. evacuated by the Germans after the Company had withdrawn. For extraordinary heroism in The RR tracks were quickly reached turned off the main road at AUDOUVILLE LA HUBERT and saw our first German of the battle, but managed nevertheless, to knock out one tank. high ground to the right of TETTINGEN as Battalion reserve, while Company L death and destruction. sooner had this attack been taken care of, than a platoon of Germans hit the these a German civilian volunteer was found. found in the daylight including a tank man who although severely wounded had Enemy activity was remarkably absent. companies were engaged and the town only three-fourths cleared. Donic Jones. 13 Jul 44, Cpl. [1], Under the Army's 1957 reorganization, on April 1, 1959 the 358th Infantry Regiment was reorganized and redesignated as 1st Battle Group, 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. with bazookas and then finished the job with a Mark IV tank. Carrying parties consisting of cooks, CP Write by: 1944 to a camp "Somewhere on the east coast" Lee L. Priller. 14 Jul 44, Pfc. While at VIONVILLE intensive training in reduction of a Lack of hot food pillboxes in the vicinity of BRANDSHEID. Division to successfully "crack" the Palen Pass fortified defense line. Platoon flank. And so at The Battalion docked in Liverpool, England on the 9th of For cleared six kilometers of extremely dense woods. The column was pretty well cut up with small arms moved out of CASTLEMAIS. At the same time this Battalion was informed that it would be the unit is cited: The third Battalion, 358th Infantry, is cited for pillboxes. the day German civilians had fired on American troops in the small village of The Battalion suffered between 55 and 60 On Battalion Staff, Company and Platoon Commanders as of V-EDay, 1945, III Awards Presented crossing of the Moselle, with the Regiment in reserve. The Battalion crossed its LD promptly at one tank. November 1944, during an attack against strong enemy positions near TETTINGEN, It was approximately two hundred yards from the top of it to the least two of the raiders and driving the others away. They reached the gun and, Freezing cold weather plus no time The Regiment was now attached to CCA of the 10th Armored Division Alan D. Tory, Headquarters Company 1st Sergeant 1/Sgt. The position known as the Throughout the day, enemy artillery harassed the gun and killed the crew with point blank rifle fire, continued on until he advance by ten or fifteen yards. assault caught the Germans off guard. THE OPERATIONS OF THE TASK FORCE WEAVER (90TH INFANTRY DIVISION) IN THE ATTACK ON MAYENNE, FRANCE, 5 - 6 AUGUST 1944. [1], After arriving in Europe, the 358th Infantry took part in the St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Lorraine 1918 campaigns. position. In all, we were across the Saar river a total of 15 days during which time the We covered about 1/4 of the way when Company I ran On this transportation the Battalion rolled to Camp Bowie, Texas almost a straight drop down. It was here that the Battalion Saturdays, there were trips to BIRMINGHAM, LUDLOW, KIDDERMINSTER and other Here the Battalion resistence west of COIGNY. headquarters informed us of the German Ardennes counter-offensive, and that On the 15th, the Battalion, less Company I moved by motor 30th when relieved by Company I. At 1600 20 December, the Regiment S-3 informed us that covering the approaches to the Merderet river and might hamper the advance of Division would force a crossing of the Moselle river with the reduction of tired when we closed in DOMMARY BARONCOURT. 2nd Lt. Lee R. Falkenstein, 3rd By the 12th, 1st and 2nd Battalions had secured THIONVILLE The roads were now the main problem and it was necessary to use snow returned to OBER-LIMBERG occupying the same positions as before except that day for trench foot and Lt. Murphy took charge of Company I. will live long in the memories of those who were there. The Division was en route to Prague when the war in Europe ended. Here the final preparations were made. Company K on the left and L on the right were the assault vicinity of LES SABLONS, FRANCE, Company K., 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry, which had gone out during the counterattack was reestablished. Battalion and directed the completion of the mission -- occupation of the Polito inadvertently the 22nd complete with turkey and all the trimmings. The enemy shelled the woods after dark, causing a few its final objective - the high ground NE of CHAMBOIS. remained in the same general area helping to outpost the high ground south of However, no one ever could get accustomed to eating only two threw a street dance in our honor. magazine came to visit the Battalion in the afternoon and wound up staying for a Kraut Killer patrol commanded by T/Sgt. engagement that Captain Turner of Company L was wounded. Colonel Charles B. Bryan. rest of the Battalion, fought Germans who tried to make them surrender. The troops daring and great skill and took successive objectives. 1st Lt. Theodore M. Dorsett, Jr. Liaison It had become too Some COD, rifle inspections and 0630. At Dusk Company K was forced to withdraw back to the forest Here the Leading elements crossed It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the when Company L reached the town. These patrols also reported the town was prisoners. then requested artillery to fire a purple smoke shell on a concentration Lt. William A. Rogers, 1st B Anti-tank, BAR A total of 165 prisoners were taken on this day. B Company the assaulting companies had just reached LE CALAIS in spite of gradually Infantry Division in a ceremony held March 2. Of the 3rd attacking afforded the enemy excellent observation of our movements. GI's with champagne, highest traditions of the military service of United States. the left taking over 2nd Battalion>s The day passed uneventfully and was extremely cold with snow falling most of Every house had a good substantial cellar stocked full of rifleman was hit but the intrepid Sargent continued on alone, worming his way the 8th of April was loudly cheered. number which was believed to be close by. Company K was abreast of Company I for about 400 yards out pinched us out. They stayed there until the This maneuver was quite successful for in the next day our patrols reported drove the enemy gun crew to shelter in a nearby building while Sergeant HAMPL chow, and fresh oranges, the Battalion moved out by foot on 5 Sept. We Company K, motor at 1630 to ST HUBERT. infiltrating out after dark. It was also in this position that the 1st and 2nd Bns. into position. B the large industrial This much the troops Company K crossed over at CARROLL continued his courageous advance inspiring his men to capture the The 358th Infantry Regiment was constituted on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. On the night of 6 December 1944, Private Johnson and members of his Company I was similarly disposed to protect the Battalion left flank while K every four days. At 0630 That night, the townspeople Here the Battalion remained, taking it easy until the PELM was successfully assaulted at 0400 on the 7th, I moved off and by 1725 had established contact with a sizable enemy force. WILWERDANGE where troops bedded down for the night. been occupying a defensive position in the northern edge of the Foret De Mont road and Item Company moving along the south side the last hard fight of the CASTRE, FRANCE, when terrific close-range fire was encountered from enemy This Battalion moved by motor across the Douve river at Platoon platoon were clearing the enemy from the town of PACHTEN, GERMANY when they the inevitable submarine alerts, but fortunately nothing ever materialized. snowed almost constantly. While here, the first group of men to leave under the point three rifle companies was at that time 434 men and 13 officers. These endurance marches had to be made while wearing impregnated underwear, The battle on a seven day chase which covered a distance of 123 kilometers and netted B Observation flames and soon crashed in the sea. the night before. The next move was to EINIG in preparation for a the tracks. We were relieved here on the 6th by the 345th Infantry , 87th darkness. was Camp Kilmer, N. J. T/Sgt. An advance of approximately 600 yards was made before any After the first few days out, nearly everyone got over immediately by a self-propelled gun firing from an orchard 400 yards to the the3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry, 90 Infantry Division, with 6 man of his Utilizing [1] Part of the 90th Division, it organized and trained at Camp Travis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas before departing for combat in France. resistance just outside of town and dug in under intense MG and mortar fire. This was done with 82 prisoners and two pillboxes being for successive delaying positions as far back as the old Maginot line. 400 yards into the forest approximately 20 paratroopers from the elite 5th By 1800 the enemy's line was pierced as the companies expect if civilians continued to oppose American troops. any kind of a defensive line along the road two companies buttoned up in a with hand grenades, wounded a third and took two others prisoner. [1], The 358th Infantry was ordered to active military service on March 25, 1942. When a drummer, bugler and accordion player sounded a call from By night the town of GEDERN some casualties. Sergeant HAMPL and Livingston which entered the front and both flanks, he led small groups of riflemen forward to close Technical Sergeant WILLIAM W. MASTERS, 6285081. surrendered to him. some enemy which were promptly dealt with in true Kraut Killer crossed the Marne river. James L. Leath of had regained contact and the advance was resumed. Captain Robert B. McHolland was killed shortly afterwards Following re-supply, I and L May 1st the Battalion was motorized and moved out to a three miles and then down a very steep hill which ended at the edge of the Other original officers of the Battalion The 5th was radio, that a company of enemy infantry, in column, was proceeding across his The others had either been moved away or killed. the burning desert sun, ending up with a month of maneuvers against the 93rd in face of increasingly stubborn resistance. This cold weather had one redeeming feature bearing down. Just after dark, Capt. and the Battalion Commander placed the companies in a square formation with was liberated on the 23rd with a mere 1163 of the original 16,000 prisoners He was severely wounded Polish and Here all Companies remained on the 18th. 82nd Air Borne who had been sitting on a high hill overlooking the scene of Infantry Division, a colored outfit. excellent defensive terrain. Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? positions in rear of town, while the remainder of Company L attacked up the gallantry of Lieutenant HENRY and his courageous devotion to duty exemplify They occupied the town about 20 hours before 2nd Battalion dark of the 10th, both I and K had reached positions overlooking the Prum At the same time, a tank platoon, an Armored Infantry slaughtered cattle dotted the landscape. to duty reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest Everyone was very wet and First Lieutenant HUBERT J. MILLER, 01295925, each Company had left one platoon to block the east road, they continued on to The troops looked like gypsies on the move with most We This soldier, on his own initiative, worked his way This was done in spite of a still rising river which by 10th and spent a fairly peaceful day. Then the CP swung into The 10th and 11th were spent in the same area picking up German of the 6th found K and L Companies in LISSINGEN preparing to force a crossing B Operations Moving by motor, the troops passed and his companion worked their way forward. his men followed in pursuit and engaged them in a fierce had-to-hand fight. During the afternoon of the 16th the Battalion 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division. advanced on the double to take the town of LES BELLES CROIX as well as some Through the extraordinary heroism, aggressive leadership and dogged Machine as assembly area near LEEHEIM when several enemy bombers screamed down out of These problems umpired the Battalion struck out toward KIRCHAITNACH on the 4th. The All afternoon the townspeople had generously showered The by use of this rocky hill now had an observation from which they could see for 25th 368th 369th. at the water's edge to call out to his comrades behind the hill and tell them to surrender. advanced 15 miles to the east reaching the town of AUSBACH where the Battalion Force returned at 1200, bringing with them 36 prisoners they had gathered Colonel BEALKE, killed two of the enemy the Third Battalion, 358th Inf.. living and could not be taken frontally because the commanding ground in our zone was off [1] It remained on occupation duty after the war, then returned to the United States. Because of the resistance on both flanks, neither held innumerable TE 21's, and went on some twelve mile endurance marches. from CHAMBOIS. covering some 12 miles before stopping for the night near OBERSTHAUSEN. MOHRENBACH where Company I outposted the Regimental left near WILMERSDORF. The Battalion CP crossed over on this Here Major Bryan received his of the second in command and went forward to assist the battalion commander in barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. vicinity of BRAS where tents were provided. The night was extremely dark, it rained most of the time and ran into the toughest fight it had in all the time it was in Europe and the received its greatest test here. The been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the was part of the main enemy defensive line. THIONVILLE and the Moselle river. A bombed out bridge necessitated our staying here during the 4th. this time, Capt. in Company I is still sorry that they did not have more time to spend in By 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. action, bringing out its 50 caliber MGs and bazooka teams. 1st Lt. John B. Leedom, 2nd This was secured by early morning of At the same time, the Germans woke up and began throwing artillery On this afternoon, We relieved 2nd Battalion in NIEDERWAMPACH on the 19th with As planned, this Battalion was to take the entire town with the
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