All the schools we have applied to have good SEN, one or two better than others but again that's just an outside view based on zero data. Do you think youre a resilient learner? Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). The test is a cognitive test, designed to give an indication of a boys underlying aptitude. Because, of course, the schools of our dreams are vastly oversubscribed especially the ones in London and the south-east. 11+ Intensive Courses in London and Hertfordshire. Another couple of Etons: exactly. Because you read about He disagreed. Its a very difficult entry, admits Antony Faccinello, the senior deputy head. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Thank you. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), Apparently, no child has ever been found roaming the streets in mid-September with no school to go to, though this always seems an all-too-likely outcome to the sleepless mother, who foresees across-the-board rejection. Don't fret over it - remember its predictive and doesn't tell Eton College (or you) a current IQ score or anything like that. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines. Maybe try and look a bit smart. Being able to elaborate and provide explanations is crucial to 11+ interview successs. On entrance exam day in November there was a long queue at the door. 24/01/2020 10:26. For instance, if you read through the questions again, youll notice that very few of them use the word why.. We look forward to supporting your child. Sit in a way thats comfortable but professional. That means no slouching, smart, clean clothing and no fidgeting. Therefore, choose based on which school is a better fit for you socially. Another important tip is to avoid speaking negatively about their current school as this will create the impression that they have a habit of badmouthing their school or teachers. So weve decided to drop the formal 13+ entry. All the competitive boys schools we have applied to have brilliant provision of those pursuits (DT, engineering, carpentry, architecture). Eton is one of only five remaining single-sex boys' public schools in the United Kingdom. Whoever applies is allowed to sit the exam: we dont put a cap on numbers., Emanuel School in Battersea has an extra form in Year9, providing 20 to 25 new places at 13+, and applicants are flocking there. Tallyhodavey selling himself at interview, struggles to explain why he likes something . Many thanks for your help in advance. The lucky survivors then go on to the next stage: at Westminster, a day of written tests plus a half-hour interview; at St Pauls, an interview laced with academic questions. Parents weapons are (a) to have the child heavily tutored, (b) to apply for six or seven schools and (c) to pay acceptance deposits for more than one. The basic principle we recommend is to support your son's overall long-term development. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), because I love personality analysis, have nothing better to do with my time. Hello, my 10 year old son has been invited for an interview with ETON in January 2021. In the interest of being open with fellow parents I can share that 10 year old DS struggles with the basic elements e.g. We have a reserve list. In terms of body language, your child should remember to keep their nerves under control by limiting or annihilating any fidgeting, maintaining eye contact and smiling where necessary. Some good practice might be doing puzzle books, NVR, and online brain training games. Yet somehow new depths have been plumbed in Hancocks correspondence today. Some interviewers will lure children into a false sense of comfort which results in the child thinking that they no longer need to be smart, presentable and proper. 12. Wishing your child the best of luck with their exam preparation. comment. Just from very brief school visits perhaps one or two present this a bit more (e.g. Westminster will now give 13 plus entry in Year 6 without further exams. Meanwhile, on doormats across the country, envelopes have landed on mats. At 11+, the ratio is more like five or six to one. Lots of extracurricular (yes for DS, even by prep school standards) These questions have been asked by interviewers at Eton, Westminster, Haberdasher's, Merchant Taylor's, Whitgift, Harrodian and the GDST schools. Its important that they practise answering such questions in advance of their interview). 16. Tell me about a news topic that you've come across recently. It seems to merit capitals, so much has it become the defining verb of ones childs success and therefore future happiness, as perceived by the desperate parent. 6. recently art). Maybe make sure he has something to say about climate change, as that's a worldwide issue, and he may be able to tell his interviewers about effects and perceptions in your part of the world. This will help them to appear more confident and self-assured. private schools. / What are your future ambitions? Eton introduced this admissions process to make sure that they were recruiting boys who have sufficient ability to take advantage of excellent teaching and also have the "get up and go" to involve themselves in extra-curricular activities. You are more likely to perform well, if you are happy and well-adjusted. 13/05/2021 22:00. You may already be aware, but there are 4 possible outcomes - an offer of a place in the house your DS applied to, an offer of a place at the school but not yet allocated to a house (called a General Place), waiting list, or a no. I am also mindful that his passions somewhat change, sometimes a new one emerging literally in a month (e.g. Great to hear from a parent and thanks for your balanced feedback. If however, it is not, then I would recommend that they wear something smart and presentable but not overly formal. do you think we should do homework in detention instead of punishment essays . If you dream about your son progressing seamlessly at 13+ to the excellent Latymer Upper down the road, forget it. Firstly, your child should be well dressed on the day of their interview. Hi Priscilla! If your son develops into the kind of boy who will thrive at Eton, the admissions process will identify him. But I do believe theres the right place for everyone., At Alleyns in Dulwich this year, more than 100 candidates sat the 13+ exam for just 11 places. With the independent school exams being just days away, we thought it would be wise to share some of the most popular 11+ interview questions. Many top boys public schools have for years required boys to sit a pre-test in Year 6 a process whereby 11-year-old boys are offered places for Year 9, on condition that they get a good enough mark in Common Entrance. Happy to have a private message please . We interview every child on the list: that is why we have to limit the length, because this is so staff-intensive: 20 minutes per child, and individual interviews.Demand has increased hugely over the past few years the date in the year when we hit 600 registrations is getting earlier and earlier. Hello, we're abroad and with no prep school headmaster to help us we're doing a bit of a DIY job on this, and its looming next week so we're about to get on a plane home for the interview and I am suddenly feeling a bit panicky! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I always advise parents and pupils to put themselves in the position of the school, think in the way they think. some vehicle built by kids displayed) but he would be adequately supported in DT at all privates. So why can't Eton do the same, subject to good school reports. Is Macron really saying the France-Afrique is finished. For our 11+ this year, we had 1,100 candidates sitting for 170 places. What are your career ambitions? Rather than the formal black gown usually worn by Eton beaks , he wore a smart but casual felted blue suit . The parents agonised wait for the letter of acceptance or rejection is followed by the schools agonised wait for acceptance or rejection of the offer. Last night it seemed as if the Matt Hancock WhatsApp messages released by the Telegraph couldnt get any worse, after the paper published texts showing Hancocks realtime reaction to his rule-breaking affair being exposed. I am still under the naive assumption that the assessment process for means tested bursary candidates is the same as non-bursary candidates (at least that's what the Admission staff told me). Disciplined (No for DS, not really, obviously follows school rules really well and actually thrives with rules and routine, but not disciplined in the sense of being able to be easily tutored for a test and/or disciplined enough to give 100% on even subjects he does not enjoy - unlike my brothers daughter lol) Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. Were looking for a spark in lots of ways. Ill always say a short prayer for guidance before the meeting. The school does not have a siblings policy. He Got In to Eton. She Got In to Latymer. Or (whispered only to ones most trusted friends), He didnt Get In to St Pauls.. We have shared the Educational Psychologist/SEN report with the school (which mentioned the eye contact issue for example), but do Eton have the time to take this level of detail into consideration. There are a great many testing days, as Bob Stevenson, the lower master and designer of this test, explained. If you found these 11+ interview questions and tips useful, sign up for our next 11+ interview masterclass. We wish him the best of luck in his future schooling. (No, you dont, thinks the fainting reader.) The manner in which your child presents themselves in terms of their outward appearance is pivotal when it comes to 11+ interview success. New: The school signed a partnership . But sometimes we have to say no. It's very good. 13. Please help. Save. Whether the school is a good fit for the pupil. Of the 500 who sit the ISEB pre-test, 250 are invited to go on to the next stage. Andy Mayfield, director of admissions at St Pauls School for boys, said, About 600 apply for 90 places. DS SEN needs were well supported at both state primary (where his ADHD was actually spotted) and prep. When demand outstrips supply, both parties resort to playing games. The vast majority (the thin ones) fluttered quietly downwards. The Getting In system is a meritocracy. 08/09/2021 16:31. Don't fret over it - remember its predictive and doesn't tell Eton College (or you) a current IQ score or anything like that. Youll be notified when a place on any of our courses becomes available. eton interview mumsnet how did lesley sharp lose weight julho 1, 2022. jack the ripper documentary bbc. Fee-payers are up against bursary-receivers: private schools these days are proud of their bursary schemes, wishing to be seen to be socially inclusive. The value of a school, he says, is what you do with the middle and bottom third. Quite. Perhaps he can suggest something he does know about, eg "As I'm not in the UK I've not really been following the Brexit debate, but in we've been hearing a lot about " After youve read through the questions, read some of the tips below so that your child can be as well-prepared for the exam as possible. Describe yourself using 5 adjectives. Whether the child will fit into the school environment. Tell me about the last two books you read and describe them using adjectives. Add message. 2. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). We needed to find some way of reducing the numbers down to 350.. Last time we had a 13+ entry exam, said the registrar Catriona Sutherland-Hawes, we had 68 applying for just eight places. We limit the number of applications we accept at 11+ to 600, explained the headmaster, Mark Hanley-Browne. The boy did not get in IMHO- I dont think it can hurt, but I wholeheartedly agree with Ingrid - let your HM do the talking. REGISTER FOR OUR 11+ INTERVIEW MASTERCLASS. Its fine to suggest improvements but this can be done in a delicate manner. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), When I started 14 years ago it used to be 300. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. This test, the ISEB Common Pre-Test, is done at the prep schools, on computers. For example, playing chess gives you analytical and logical thinking skills so it provides proof of the ability to analyse and think logically. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Its different from other tests, so boys cant practise for it: there are no questions anywhere else that would resemble the tests questions., How do they whittle the numbers down? What type of QUESTIONS should a 10 year old expect at ETON. It's just earlier to allow forward planning. Good luck for the test. I disappoint as many siblings as I make happy. They should also be able to support their answers with evidence that provides proof of their skills. Write down answers and tweak them where necessary. You'll also get free advice straight to your inbox. It would be easy, said Stevenson, simply to take the top 250 in the test, but we dont. (Questions such as these require your child to brush up on socio-political topics and current affairs which we strongly recommend doing before their interview), 18. Subsequently, the pupil may find themselves using slang or informal language when speaking to the interviewer. If the interview is in the middle of a school day, they can simply wear their school uniform. These questions have been asked by interviewers at Eton, Westminster, Haberdasher's, Merchant Taylor's, Whitgift, Harrodian and the GDST schools. If you could be any animal/colour, what would you be? Your child should look comfortable so theres no need to put them in a poofy dress or stiff suit. Practise the questions above and encourage your child to elaborate and extend their answers. For the house interviews he just wore whatever he was wearing. There's very little else one can do, boys cannot revise for it. In recent years, how much weight do Eton put on the 15 minute interview Vs other elements (ISEB, List Test, Reference)? Is a inform chat around 15 mins only. We go through each candidate and rank them, comparing five rankings. A thin envelope means: We are very sorry to have to give you the disappointing news that we are unable to offer N a place. When a student avoids explaining why they like something or doesnt bother providing explanations for their answers, it comes across as if theyre lazy and unbothered. 8. What are some DO's and DON'Ts during the interview? 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Official UCL 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread, Official Dental Hygiene and Therapy (Oral Health Science) 2023 Entry Thread, A-level Combination for Cambridge Economics, Official: University of Glasgow A100 2023 Entry, [Official Thread] Russian invasion of Ukraine, Official: University of Leeds A100 2023 entry. My son wore uniform but other boys there were in normal clothes. Highly focused on work (variable from term to term and subject to subject, his monthly school reports are mixed and I mean that in the true sense - 55 in maths in one month, then 87 in the next month with great focus in class, aces the ISEB, then back to 55 with low participation in classreasonably consistently good in english and consistently average in all other subjectsalthough this is in a high performing top set) For the paper has published texts between Matt Hancock and, Hancock and Goves cringeworthy Covid love-in, Dont blame private schools for failing to tackle rape culture, Our Russian sanctions are only helping Vladimir Putin, Is Putin winning? If you could have dinner with any historical figure (dead or alive), who would it be? Enter your name and email below to receive our book 11+ Success Secrets for free. 07/06/2021 15:21. 15. Look at [ this] too. I note @bellerosee may have posted something helpful in this threads but it appears to have been deleted . To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Message deleted by MNHQ. It keeps tutorial firms and the publishers of the Bond Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers in business. The earlier communication we got from Eton was that around half of offers would be made at this stage to candidates 'in whom they have complete confidence' based on school report, ISEB and interview and the other half following September. The interview in zoom How would your friends describe you? The numbers show that you now have a one-in-three chance at Westminster and a one-in-four chance at St Pauls. Hopefully, this article will save you from scouring MumsNet and Google for hours in search for a list of questions that are commonly asked at the interviews of top day and boarding schools. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. How does one prepare for the ETON list test . The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Official University of Warwick 2023 Applicant Thread, Oxford History Applicants 2023 - Undergraduate & Postgraduate, Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, left school 18 years ago, a lot of bullying, teachers didn't know, should I tell head, City of London Academies Highgate Hill (Islington) and Shoreditch Park (Hackney), Tiffin sixth form 2023 a-levels for interview, Westminster 2023 Entry post-examination discussion, Closure of Coronavirus: Impact on Schools and Exams forum, Official 2023 Harris Westminster Applicants Thread. In recent years Ive started putting the verb to get in (when it refers to the action of being offered a place at a sought-after school) into capital letters: To Get In. If your friends could describe you in three words, what would they be? Its a way of bidding an instant, polite goodbye to 250. He intends to make it a centre of excellence and is looking for normally bright boys, not only hyper-bright ones. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. 28/03/2013 17:08. I have repeated to him since he was a child that mama and papa love him irrespective of whether he is top or bottom, A or F, and all that matters is that he does his absolute best. The questions are more like puzzles. A WOMAN caused controversy among her fellow Mumsnetters - by revealing she was hoping to send one of her children posh private school Eton despite being "on the breadline". We had about 250 applying for 90 places, said Nick Baker, the headmaster of Wetherby Prep, who is also going to be headmaster of the new senior school. If it's boarding you are looking for, try Eton's computerised pre-test, which takes place in Year 6: boys come to the school in batches of 16 for the test and a short interview. We have 1,300 applying for 250 places. The world order is changing in his favour, Theresa May is the true villain in this latest Tory Brexit war, The sinister rise of drag shows for children. The coveted thick envelope contains a form for you to fill in and send back with the four-figure deposit cheque. Youll also receive email updates from us once a month. I don't think they care. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. If you would like to know exactly how oversubscribed the top schools in London and the south-east are, read on. How they react under pressure (this is extremely important as the majority of children will buckle when a few difficult questions or challenges are thrown in front of them). We've just done Eton house interviews via zoom. They all want naturally bright boys whose parents are supportive and can pay. On Tuesday 31st May, Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts headed to Number 10 Downing Street to put Mumsnet users' questions and concerns to the Prime Minister.Us. Thank you . ETON interview questions. Good for them; but this keeps ever-growing numbers of paying parents awake at night for decades in an agony of anxiety about their childrens prospects in what the director of admissions at St Pauls calls the white-hot market. Is This supposed to Be Considered "Cheating"? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Its the most difficult thing we have to do, as there are huge numbers of boys who would fulfil the criteria. But the numbers of applicants for Westminster and St Pauls have grown so much that these schools now require boys to sit a pre-pre-test to see whether the applicants are even allowed to sit the pre-test (or, at St Pauls, have a pre-test interview). 11+ Revision Courses and Clubs in Ealing, London. Thats what the ISEB test does. 14. (This requires your child to think on their feet and to come up with an analysis of an unseen image, text or even the observation of an object. Your DS sounds like a lovely young gentleman (I mean that as a complement!) 10/02/2023 16:15, Aleaiactaest We interview every boy, to find out whether what the prep-school or primary school have told us about them is accurate. Encourage your child to showcase their hobbies and interests. Would any parents that have actually gone through the 13+ admissions process (particularly at Eton) please help me with the following questions. All the best of luck to your DS and hope both him and the little one are feeling better. There's very little else one can do, boys cannot revise for it. One enterprising school, Wetherby Prep, has responded to this dire need: Wetherby (which already has highly oversubscribed boys pre-prep and prep schools) is opening a new senior school for boys in Marylebone in September. 25/08/2022 14:34. For example, instead of paying a tutor to tell your son how to talk enthusiastically about a favourite book, your best bet is to encourage your son . Why/Why not? Are you allowed to take tracing paper into the Maths GCSE? What are your thoughts on the current economic climate? The school has educated nineteen British Prime . Due to how popular this article has been, Ive added some additional insights below so make sure you read all the way till the end so that you and your child can soak up some great tips. Sport (yes for DS, I finally realize and now appreciate the direct cause-effect link between sport and academic performance, he is a natural team player on the field and gives it his all). Whether the child can contribute positively to the school (which ties in with the point above), Your childs academic potential. Subscribe to leave a comment. This demonstrates that they enjoy working with others and can contribute positively to the school environment.
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