Permit Management & Construction Control Permit by Mail MAINTAIN 1 - 11 FOOT LANE FOR 2 WAY THRU TRAFFIC W/FLAGGERS AT EACH END OF WORK ZONE. Projects requiring sidewalk closure may require additional permits. If all information is satisfactory, EAU will fax or call the applicant with an EAN, which must be available at the work site and presented to any governmental employee upon request. Typically, permits must be kept at the work site or designated field headquarters at all times and must be made available for inspection. THE VMS BOARD MUST STATE THE STREET TO BE CLOSED AND THE DATES AND TIMES OF SUCH CLOSURE. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT TRAFFIC OPERATIONS DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE RESTORATION PLANS FOR THIS ROADWAY INCLUDING COLOR MARKINGS AND ANY OTHER INSTALLATION REQUIRED. THIS EXECPTION DOES NOT APPLY IF STIPULATION 014 IS ALSO APPLIED TO THIS PERMIT. All applicable fees will apply. NYC Parks & Recreation ONE 11 FOOT LANE MAY REMAIN CLOSED FOR CONCRETE CURING ONLY FOR MAXIMUM OF48 HOURS. THIS STIP IS USED FOR SINGLE CUTS IN THE CURB/PARKING LANE. An EAN is required for each utility access cover opening at a location, provided that the work is performed around the clock until the emergency is eliminated, at which time the EAN expires. All borough Permit Offices accept money orders, company checks, certified checks and most major credit cards for permit fees. OBTAIN THE MUTCD AT, OCCUPY 8 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY ADJACENT TO CURB. Fax: (718) 430-4663 All other inquiries: (212) 748-6610 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 1st floor Appendix ACommon Permit Types and Documents Needed, Appendix DOther Agency and Utility Contact Information, DOB BUILDER'S PAVEMENT PLAN (BPP) AUTHORIZATION FORM, (Initial submission only) Links were last checked January 2023. Upon completion of work, sidewalks must be restored according to Highway Rules, Section 2-09(f)(4) and NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. 144-06 94th Avenue, Main Floor There are two categories of HIQA holds: Holds for Specific Permit Type or Unique Street Treatment and Holds that May Be Placed on the Permittee. MAINTAIN 5 FOOT PED. A sample of an acceptable Certificate of Insurancecan be viewed here and in Appendix B. AN EMBARGO WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THIS AREA SATURDAY AUGUST 2, 9 AND 16 FROM 12:01AM TO 6:00PM. NO WORK ON JULY 12, 2005. the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, a publication issued by the Federal Highway Administration containing the basic principles that govern the design and use of traffic control devices for all streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel. New York, NY 10038 However, if extraordinary conditions are present, the applicant may be asked to meet with OCMC. The suspension does not apply to emergency authorizations and permits (see Section 3.6.1 Emergency Utility Access Cover Openings and Emergency Street Openings). Note: All distances indicate measurements from nearest edge of any object to closest edge of vault. NOTE: This list of permit stipulations is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only. CONTRACTOR/PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO POST AND MAINTAIN ADVISORY SIGNS A MINIMUM OF48 HRS PRIOR TO CHANGING EXISTING PARKING REGULATION SIGNS TO APPROVED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION PARKING REGULATION SIGNS. MUST COORDINATE WITH NYPD PRECINCT C.O. HIQA performs inspections during active construction through its completion and up to the end of the Guarantee Period. TO FRI. OTHER TIMES OCCUPY 11 FEET ADJACENT TO SOUTH CURB ONLY. Section 3.5 Other Provisions Pertaining to Permits contains more information on holds. or Tax I.D. back to top N New York 811, Inc. One call to New York 811 provides for where gas (yellow), electric (red) and phone (orange) are located. USE OF METERED, AUTHORIZED PARKING AND NO STANDING ZONES IS>. SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED MIN OF 48-HRS PRIOR TO START OF WRK & IMMEDIATELY REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF WRK OR PERMIT EXPIRATION. During the application process, the NYCSTREETS system will automatically identify cases which require additional HE review, and processes them accordingly. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. FULL BLOCK SEGMENT RESTORATION IS REQUIRED FOR THE LENGTH OF THE ROADWAY CURB TO CURB. A dismissal inspection is always required to close out a violation. ANY STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRES A SEPARATE PERMIT. These holds can only be released by HIQA: Cobblestone (COB) hold All permits issued to work on a cobblestone street are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN NUMEROUS LANES AND THROUGHOUT THE LENGTH OF A BLOCK. The Street Design Manual is New York Citys comprehensive resource for street design standards, guidelines, and policies. For hearings, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. FLAG PERSON MUST BE PROVIDED TO STOP PEDESTRIAN AND/OR VEHICLE TRAFFIC WHILE LIFTING MATERIALS OVERHEAD AND ALSO WHEN CROSSING SIDEWALK IN CONJUCTION WITH CROSSING SIDEWALK PERMITS. MAY ALSO WORK 7PM TO 11PM WEEK DAYS ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEP INSPECTION WITH INSPECTOR ON SITE. RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES TO TRAFFIC. 16 Court Street, 7th Fl. Original insurance certificates for Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance and Worker's Compensation insurance. Questions regarding permit registration or application processes can be directed to any Permit Office. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES AUTHORIZATION FOR THE STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT (OTHER THAN CRANES) AND MATERIALS ON THE JOB SITE ONLY, INCLUDING JERSEY BARRIERS IF APPLICABLE. CONTAINMENT ONLY TO RESRTICT PARKING AND FOR STORAGE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL/FILL. MANTAIN 1 13 FOOT LANE EAST BOUND, 1 15 FOOT LANE WEST BOUND. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT MOVE, DAMAGE OR DISRUPT THE BENCH. Applicants must be registered with NYC DOT and have a Permittee ID Number, except in the case of a Sidewalk Repair Permit taken out by a homeowner, where the work will be performed by the homeowner. In calendar year 2018 NYC DOT processed more than 700,000 construction permits. BQE Central Workshops. Name, address and phone number of excavator, Brief description of the planned digging and excavation. Staten Island, NY 10301 Enter all persons authorized to obtain permits for the applicant, their affiliation to the applicant and their telephone number and email address. New York, New York 10041. COORDINATE WITH NYSDOT PRIOR TO WORK. DESIGNATED AS COBBLESTONE STREET. Lighting | NYC Street Design Manual It also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. Check traffic advisories. Brooklyn, NY 11211 For building operations, a crane permit is required for all cranes and derricks operating in the street on building construction or related activity under the jurisdiction of DOB, with the exception of truck cranes with telescopic, hydraulic or folding booms, over 50 feet and not more than 135 feet with a maximum rated capacity of 3 tons, for which a construction activity permit has been issued. DURING NON-WORKING HOURS PEDESTRIAN WALK WAY MUST BE MAINTAINED ON SIDEWALK OR ON ROADWAY. Following are the steps for permit application, review and issuance at the central Permit Office: Applications for all other construction-related work, including work on critical streets in Staten Island, can be submitted to the borough office in the borough in which the work is to be performed. If any proposed work is within 100 feet of a bridge or structure, applicants must submit a scaled drawing showing the work and exact location. New York, NY 10013 FULL BUILDING LINE RESTORATION IS REQUIRED FOR WIDTH OF THE ROADWAY. Sub title REVISED DRAWINGS COVERING PEDESTRIAN RAMPS Agency Design and Construction, Department of (DDC) Additional creators DDC & DOT Subject Traffic Safety Transportation Streets and Highways Report type number as provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). First, the applicant must obtain authorization from the Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) unit for the placement of the canopy at the proposed location. A separate permit is required for each construction-related activity, except where otherwise provided in the Highway Rules or by permit stipulations. DOT Street Lighting's, Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP), Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 59 Maiden Lane, 34th Floor In Chapters 3 and 4, the symbol is used to indicate particularly time-sensitive requirements of the processes described. This category of permits applies to openings/excavations or other work in a street that may cause damage to the street surface or to any work that the Permit Office believes would compromise the street surface. At the foundation of the city that never sleeps lays a network of streets that helps keep New York and New Yorkers moving forward. NO NOISY OPERATIONS BETWEEN 12:01 AM AND 7:00AM. Existing InfrastructurePermittees must not remove parking meters, traffic signs, street lights, street furniture, and similar items unless authorized on the permit. Manhattan / Central Permit Office To request release of the hold, the permittee must take out a permit of record for the work that was performed without a permit and then contact HIQA to submit a copy of the permit. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESTRICTED FROM REMOVING ANY STREET FURNITURE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS. MUST MAINTAIN 1 SOUTHBOUND AND 2 NORTH BOUND LANES AFTER ESTABLISHED WORK ZONE IS SET UP. Prior to any permit revocation, NYC DOT will give the permittee an opportunity to be heard with not less than two days' notice. Tel: (718) 390-2080, The Bronx Fax: 718-556-7305, The Bronx No attachments of any kind are permitted on a canopy, including, but not limited to temporary or permanent signs, balloons, streamers, flags, banners or pennants. By eliminating manual steps, most permit requests now may be approved and issued within 1-2 business days. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Further information on responding to CARs may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(d). To this end, this chapter discusses existing mechanisms that help inform utility companies and other potentialstreet excavatorsof impending NYC DOT work, including how to access information on NYC DOT's planned capital projects, weekly street resurfacing schedules, "protected street"*information and other data that can help to facilitate effective communication regarding street work. THREE SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA.PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES THE OCCUPANCY OF THE ROADWAY AND OR SIDEWALK BY BARRIERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SAFETY AND PROTECTION SURROUNDING THE OPEN UTILITY COVER WHILE MAINTAINING A SHUNT. The applicant will be charged a fee of $30 for each utility access cover opening EAN. THE PERMITTEE MUST HAVE APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT STREET LIGHTING FOR INSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT OF POLES. Standard Sheets (US Customary) > Doing Business with NYSDOT - (business-center) > Engineering > CADD Info > Drawings > Standard Sheets (US Customary) US Customary Standard Sheets Standard Sheets are available both in the US Customary units accessible below and in Metric units. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. BACKFILL OR PLATE BEFORE PROCEEDING. WALKWAY MUST BE RAMPED AT ENTRY TO SIDEWALK FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY. EAU will process the request and fax or call the applicant with an Emergency Street Opening Permit Number, which authorizes the emergency street opening/excavation work. A full review will typically take between one or two business days. All construction-related permits have expiration dates. New York, NY 10007 Apply for a parking permit. Copy of E.I.N. Street Opening Permits are designated as the "01" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "01." Markets, public art, performances, and other events support a vital public realm, increasing pedestrian activity;supporting local businesses;connecting residents with resources;celebrating community, culture, and diversity;and encouraging local ownership of the public spaces in which they occur. Click here to access theHighway Rules. RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED CONTRACTOR MAY CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 25 LINEAR FEET, 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB DURING NON-WORK HOURS. THIS PERMIT REQUIRED AN ODV PERMIT WHICH MUST BE IN THE VEHICLE FOR INSPECTION BY A POLICE OFFICER AND OR AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEE UPON REQUEST. Orders, given orally or in writing, may be issued by the Commissioner to cease and desist work or to perform remedial action. Applicants who are registered as permittees (see Section 3.2) and are registered for on-line permitting can log-in to NYCStreets and request an EAN. 16 Court Street, 16th floor THIS PERMIT MAY BE EXTENDED ONCE ONLY, FOR A PERIOD OF 14 DAYS AT $40. Download about 619 . WORK NIGHTLY 9 PM - 6 AM SUNDAY NIGHT TO FRIDAY MORNING AND 9 PM FRIDAY TO 6 AM SUNDAY. The Queens borough permit office is located in Queens Borough Hall. A $35 filing fee is required for all vault applications. Clicking on the "i" button at the top center of the map will change the cursor into an arrow with an "i" next to it. Deleted or Superseded Standard Sheet documents are accessible through the links in the second table below. Bronx, NY 10455 New York, NY 10007 THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL INTERSECTION RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. OCCUPY A MAXIMUM OF 12 FT OF ROADWAY FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7PM - 6AM, MAINTAIN TWO 11 FOOT LANES, ONE 11 FOOT LANE ON EACH SIDE OF THE EXISTING DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE, MAINTAIN FOUR 11 FOOT LANES, TWO 11 FOOT LANES ON EACH SIDE OF THE EXISTING DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE, MAINTAIN TWO 11 FOOT LANES, ONE 11 FOOT LANE ON EACH SIDE OF THE EXISTING CENTER MALL. Office Hours: MondayFriday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Brooklyn, NY 11202 As shown in the screen image, the pop-up for the "NYC DOT 10 year Capital Plan" layer features a project ID, title, and the fiscal year for which the project is planned, whereas the pop-up for "NYC DOT Protected Streets" includes street name and the date to which protected status extends. PERMITTEE MUST CONTACT DOT TRAFFIC & PLANNING OFFICE BY EMAIL AT. 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside the City) The latest edition is available for purchase for $50 from the Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer, 55 Water Street, Ground Level, New York, NY, 10041. CONTRACTOR MAY NOT REMOVE OR RELOCATE ANY PARKING METERS OR BLOCK PUBLIC ACCESS TO MUNI-METERS WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT PARKING METER DIVISION AT 718-894-8651. The second permit for canopy maintenance is automatically placed on a. Crane placed on the street for construction activity. A list of construction embargoes under way at any given time can be found on the Construction Embargoes page on NYC DOT's website or at the borough Permit Offices. A street is considered to be protected for five years from the date it was last resurfaced or reconstructed. Attn: Forestry AREAS WHERE THE MINIMUM CANNOT BE ACHIEVED, CONTRACTOR MUST FIRST OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT. Permit Bond. ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. The Office of Permit Management (Permit Office) provides extensive customer support for all applicants, registers permittees, receives and reviews for accuracy and completeness permit application submitted in person,and also reviews appropriate fees for both online and in-person applications. OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY; FULL WIDTH OF ROADWAY RESTORED TO TRAFFIC WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. 3.1 General Provisions For Construction-Related Permits ON STIP WAGE02), WORK NORTHBOUND 7AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE WITH WALKWAY IN ROADWAY, WEEKDAY NIGHTS 7PM TO 6AM AND FRI NIGHT 7PM THRU MON 6AM. HIQA performs inspections during active construction. WORK 12:01 AM - 5 AM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY AND/OR SUNDAY 12:01 AM TO 8 AM, FULL CLOSURE OF ROADWAY, RESTORE FULL WIDTH WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. THIS PERMIT REQUIRES REVIEW AND RELEASE FOR SPECIAL TRAFFIC PROJECT RESTORATION. THE SITE OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK MAY BE WITHIN 100FT OF A BRIDGE STRUCTURE. 10 Richmond Terrace, Room 309 Office hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, The Bronx 233 Schermerhorn Street, 11th Floor WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS, AND LOCATION SHEET WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. LANE CLOSURES MAY NOT OCCUR WHEN TWO LANE CLOSURES OCCUR ON GOWANUS OR ON RAMPS LEADING TO 3RD AVENUE. A DOB-approved plan must be obtained and submitted to PEU with the application for a final approval and permit. Foundation MaterialWhen replacing a concrete sidewalk, the foundation material may be retained and graded to the required subgrade. At crossings, the height of Accessible Pedestrian Signals must be reachable by a person using a mobility device, at a preferred height of 42 inches and a maximum height of 48 inches (see 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design). "Base course" refers to the layer of material below the wearing course. Additionally, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) conduit, a more cost-effective material that is not susceptible to corrosion from residual salt water after storm surge events, is replacing galvanized steel for all signal locations and street light locations in flood-vulnerable areas. To release a POL hold, the Division of Traffic Operations, Office of Street Lighting must be contacted. SignageSigns must be displayed at the work site or at 100-foot intervals along a series of excavations or continuous cuts indicating the name of the entity performing the work, the name of the entity for whom the work is being performed and, if applicable, the name(s) of the subcontractor(s). Connecticut Department of Transportation IF MULTIPLE LANES ON GOWANUS IN SAME DIRECTION AS MILLING, NO MILLINGY WORK MAY OCCUR. WORK FROM 7 PM FRIDAY THROUGH 6 AM MONDAY. Full Sidewalk | NYC Street Design Manual Print his/her name and title and provide a signature. If a permit is about to expire and the permittee has not completed the work, the permittee must apply for a permit renewal as all work must be performed pursuant to an active permit at all times. AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FAMILIAR WITH THIS PROJECT IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND WEEKLY TUESDAY MEETINGS AT 115 BROADWAY 5TH FL OF THE L.M.C.C.C. Private homeowners applying for Sidewalk Repair Permits who will be making the repairs themselves may apply for permits by mail. When all necessary information has been submitted and reviewed, the applicant is issued a Permittee ID Number that must be used on all permit applications. Advance notice and coordination of planned street work is one of the most effective tools for reducing the number of street excavations, especially on streets that are scheduled to be resurfaced or reconstructed. It draws from a wide range of resources and experience to present a coherent set of choices for street design.
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