Things had gone terribly wrong. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. Inspired by: whoopsies13 He does discover he has a mate, though. Before we think about what could have happened, lets recap why he was falsely accused in the first place and remained a wanted man. Sirius was one of the strongest father figures in his life and we don't think Harry would have wanted to risk losing him if he could help it. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Harry Potter: 20 Things Wrong With Sirius Black We All - ScreenRant Harry Potter: 10 Characters Who Didn't Survive The Battle Of Hogwarts Emotions are high after the third book and the characters dive into the fourth book with their new guest to see what awaits them in the future. The battle ended with Voldemort's death just past 5:30 AM. Notes From the Web Recapping the Battle of Hogwarts: 20 Years Later MuggleCast Episode 147: Ben Ten (Chapter 31 of Deathly Hallows) This might have meant Sirius could not come along. Well, book 3 is done andSo it's time for them to sit down and read about one of the most terrifying villains in their world. In this instance, as long as Lily and Jamess Secret Keeper didnt divulge the information to Voldemort, they would always be impossible to find. Animagus Harry fucks Draco in the dorms (8th year), Albus Severus said slowly. Regulus Arcturus Black was fifteen, when he started to see him who is that beautiful man with beautiful locks of platinum blonde hair? As she grows up and begins to discover love and friendship, her family and friends are drawn into the Second Wizarding War. Still, we reckon Sirius probably would have tried to wheedle the truth from Harry. . Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. As a result, he kept one thing hidden on his person at all times from the day Voldemort returned. Basically all the parents get to know what happens before it does and fluff ensues. Then there is the secrecy surrounding the Horcruxes themselves. Cause of Death: Dobby was alerted by Dumbledore's brother that Harry and his friends were trapped in Malfoy Manor. More in the author's notes. His last words are, "Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter.". While we would have liked them to, we cant help but believe it would never have come to pass. Sirius Black was introduced to the Wizarding World in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. His death was the beginning of many more to come and was extra tragic because Mundungus Fletcher betrayed him. Most of his followers were loyal, he was ruthless, and he had many plans put into play. Hermione dies in the final battle jumping in front of Harry taking the killing curse. His eyes flash golden, like Galleons fresh from the Gringotts mint. This work could have adult content. Sirius Black was raised by a traditional pureblood family, taught to worship the Dark Lord and fear his parents. He thought it was the perfect plan. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. Yet, Harry would also want to keep Sirius safe. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. They both actually stayed pretty silent on the subject. ), Dolores Umbridge could not have been more upset with the day. There would be no way that Voldemort would suspect snivelling Peter. and Albus. We think he wouldnt believe that it was Peter Pettigrew in front of him without some serious convincing. What happens if Regulus doesnt die in the cave, but no one knows? Evelyn Diggory, Junior Auror, has just been assigned mass murderer Sirius Black's case as her first assignment. Grindelwald was responsible for a lot of death when he was raising his army of wizards. Determine to change what she has seen, she gathers the original Order of the Phoenix, and a few others, to read these books aloud over the next several days, cooped up in the Hog's Head bar. "I honestly wish I never met you." One or both of them succeed, and animal instinct kicks in. Griphook got a hold of the sword early and alerted the other goblins of their presence, betraying their deal. Theo is the quiet kid in school, no one knows much about. She may be a little annoying and vengeful in the eyes of the trio, but her story is still a tragic one. And would he have gone to the Department of Mysteries? Dumbledore defeated him in a legendary duel that resulted in Grindelwald's imprisonment. Death Eater and Snatcher Scabior was the wizard who found and captured Harry, Hermione, and Ron and brought them to Malfoy Manor to face the Death Eaters in the seventh film. Cause of Death: Voldemort realized that the thief who stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch was Grindelwald, and therefore he was once an owner of the all-powerful wand. He became friends with many other pure-blood students and, according to Sirius Black joined a group of friends that included many future Death Eaters like; Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, Evan Rosier, and Severus Snape. Sirius Black's brother, Regulus Black, was a Slytherin at Hogwarts and a Death Eater for much of his adult life. However, because of Lupins transformation and Pettigrews escape, Sirius remained a wanted fugitive. He was in love with Lily Evans and bullied by James Potter during his time at the school, so he was typically cold with Harry. Or perhaps she already lost it. Abigail, however, has a very big secret she is keeping from them. IMPORTANT: AT THE MOMENT, I'M EDITING THIS STORY DUE TO MANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES. Cause of Death: During the Battle of the Seven Potters, the Order of the Phoenix arrived at Privet Drive on a rescue mission. A precaution for what, dare I ask? Severus snapped. Scrimgeour was tasked with fulfilling Dumbledore's will and gave Harry, Ron, and Hermione the items that he left them after his death. A big thank you to my beta reader LadyLuciusAsh87 for making this series the best it could be. You are no sacrificial lamb, youre Helen. However, Pettigrew being the weak and selfish person he was, betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort, sealing their fate. 1978 / 1979) was a witch and a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1990 to 1997. (reader), following the Battle of Hogwarts. He just wanted to escape to his four-poster bed and sleep. The weaselettes squeaks will stop soon enough, we have all we need.. He was a Gryffindor and a passionate prankster. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 80,529 - Reviews: 1220 - Favs: 502 - Follows: 126 - Updated: Feb 6, 2003 - Published: Jan 25, 2002 - Harry P., Sirius B. Hermione gave him a small glare, which he ignored. He was previously a Muggle Studies professor at the school, but he took a year-long sabbatical to travel the world in search of what was left of Voldemort (after Harry first defeated him as a baby). Flying to the safety of an old Black Cottage, he keeps her locked away from harm, all while trying to convince her that not only does he no longer hold any blood prejudice, but without her love he will only further devolve into a beastly form, losing his humanity forever. It starts off with her friends in the house of Gryffindor, 3rd year. His hatred for Sirius and Remus ran deep and if Sirius had been able to clear his name, we can imagine Snape would have still lashed out. But his best friend being absolutely tearing him apart, because he is scared of who he is, is not something Blaise planned. She placed herself in front of Harry and Voldemort and her love and sacrifice were what gave Harry his protection. Death gives her a choice, move on i. harry; 8thyear; lilypotter +22 more # 12 . During her Hogwarts years, she became incredibly close friends with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, who were Gryffindors from the year above her. He was responsible for taking Harry and Hagrid to the vaults in the first movie, and he played a key role in breaking the trio into Gringotts in the eighth movie. Harry approaches, quietly, arms raised in front of him. "Dear Harry, knowledge is power. Any innocent death is especially sad, even if the character only had a brief appearance in the movie. The students see her as a nuisance, which allowed Harry, Ron, and Hermione to use her bathroom to brew their Polyjuice Potion uninterrupted in the second film. Cause of Death: Lupin died during the Battle of Hogwarts. A year after the final battle of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall is haunted by the fake smiles her two best friends, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape had used during their lives. He was never actually a professor Hogwarts Barty Crouch Jr. used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate him but Moody is seen as one of Harry's greatest protectors throughout the second half of the series. You can find them all at the 'official' site; The Jame. Bellatrix past comes back to haunt her and throws the family into an uproar. Rating: T Escape by SingularOddities - A Marriage Law goes into place during Hermione's sixth year, causing her to make an unexpected choice. My tone betraying nothing but pure malice as I stare at the blonde in front of me. Time Traveling Marauder Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction But if Sirius hadnt been stuck at Grimmauld Place and had been able to communicate with Harry more easily and openly, this misunderstanding may never have occurred. Siriusxhermione Stories - Wattpad Mischief Managed | Sirius Black - The First Night At Hogwarts - Wattpad And what would happen if Peter suddenly has a change of heart and warns the Potter's? It was Sirius Black's first attempt to enter Gryffindor Tower and kill Peter Pettigrew, then hiding out as Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers, in revenge for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter. Petunia Evans Dursley has lost her parents, her fiance, and now her baby sister. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Peter faked his own death to escape and framed his supposed friend. Nevertheless, Lily refused. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (100), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (14), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (9), Characters Reading Harry Potter Books (200), Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (19), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (17), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. She probably would've continued killing wizards and Muggles alike had she not met her end at the Battle of Hogwarts. Looking for Pottermore? Aberforth is really sick of how his brother keeps manipulating the world around him. Youll be back here before the start of term. The person who the information is hidden in, is known as the Secret Keeper. As an animagus, Teddy marks his Godfather from the past in order to make him his submissive bitch of a toy.Time goes by and Harry finds that he has uncontrollable sexual feelings for his new DA professor in his final year at Hogwarts. Sirius Black Fanfiction. But the dog won't leave Harry, snatching him from the yard and dragging him to the woods.Sirius Black has been living as his animagus for years, hunting down his godson, his mate, and now that he has found him he will never let him go and plans to take full advantage of their bond and have his way with the toddler. He was a skilled, intelligent wizard who was unafraid of danger and would want to keep Harry safe. As a 18-year-old, Theodore Lupin wants his Godfather, Harry Potter to love him as a lover. Powers. What Now Is By: kmj1989. During the flight, Voldemort showed up and thought the real Harry was flying with Moody, but it was really Mundungus Fletcher. Rating: T The Marauders Warner Bros It also happened to be a full moon that night and Lupin transformed into a werewolf. The bumbling Minister for Magic was someone who refused to believe in something if it scared him like the return of Voldemort. Harry (right at the end of Deathly Hallows) is summoned into Middle Earth during the destruction of Fornost and is captured and tortured in Angmar. "Alternate Title: THE GUIDE TO SURVIVAL IN A FICTIONAL WORLD" Without doubt, this would be the next gravest scandal of wizarding Great Britain if his arranged marriage to James bloody Potter less than a month ago didnt take the cake! For his entire life, he harbored a deep love for Lily and when she was murdered by Voldemort, he promised to protect Harry and fight the Dark Lord. Cause of Death: Griphook helped Harry, Hermione, and Ron break into Gringotts to steal a Horcrux, and in return, Harry said he would give him the Sword of Gryffindor. But when Delilah retaliates against a certain professor during 5th year, she begins to see a new side of the war. The light and hope of the Wizarding World. But as the days turned to weeks, weeks into months he didn . Originally Sirius Black was entrusted with this role. It wasn't shown on-screen during the film, but we see the aftermath of her body lying next to Lupin's in the Great Hall. So many people had died. Or do you have a different view? None dead." "Typical Mad-Eye. When Petunia Dursley begrudgingly brought Harry into her home, she sealed the Charm that had been placed upon him. But Harry is drawn to the baby under the bench. No one in 2020 would ever believe something, magical, extraordinary, right? Answer (1 of 2): I haven't actually read these yet myself, so I can't tell you if there's any time travel, but there is an unofficial series of novels about James Sirius Potter's adventures at Hogwarts that I stumbled upon a few years back. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Malfoy, Goyle, and fellow Slytherin student Blaise Zabini ambush Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Room of Requirement. "Well, I can't imagine anyone else stepping up willingly, honestly." Cause of Death: During the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the members of the Order of the Phoenix fought Voldemort and his Death Eaters to protect Harry and his friends. So, while we think that Sirius would still have thrown himself headfirst into any situation if he were a free man, we also believe he might not have been quite so desperate to see any form of action. Bagshot was a very old woman who kept to herself and happened to find herself in Voldemort's crosshairs. The Wizarding World isn't ready for her. Well, here's the place for em'. By destroying the stone, he cut himself off from the Elixir of Life, causing him and his wife to die from old age. No, Granger. Sirius survives Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Harry, I'm sorry Sirius and I couldn't take you in as our own. I suck at writing summaries. As we know in Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius made Harry a tentative offer of coming to live with him once his name had been cleared which Harry was more than thrilled about. Dumbledore was nearing death already due to a curse from Marvolo Gaunt's ring (a Horcrux), and he knew that Voldemort had tasked Draco Malfoy to kill him Because of this, he worked with Snape to plot his own death so that Voldemort would truly trust Snape and believe his faux allegiance to the Death Eaters. We think that the moment Dumbledore saw Peter he would realise the truth. Although the movies don't dive quite as deep into Lupin's story as the books, he died at a time in his life when he was happiest he had found love with Tonks and just had a baby. This author is serious on canon-compliance, as he has started replacing the names of Ron and Hermione's children with . But it isnt often that one encounters such a ferocious animal, dangerous and on the loose, so who can blame him if he feels like he is going to shit his pants any second now? Pansy was supposed to marry the richest guy in school, but what if she falls in love with the other blond in school? READ THIS!!! Sirius was the closest thing Harry had to family, and they'd even talked about living together one day. Time of death: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Cedric's death is the most tragic in the series because he was innocent and, in his final moments, his value was greatly diminished when he was called a "spare.". TM & WBEI. Harry would have been able to confirm with Sirius that he was safe, realised that Voldemort was tricking him and may have even been startled into working a bit harder at Occlumency. When Voldemort arrived at their home, James told Lily to run and protect Harry before he was murdered by Voldemort's Killing Curse. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". After all, when Peter did escape during Prisoner of Azkaban, he was the one to believe the story of Siriuss innocence. "So Lilith Black is really Lilith Potter. Although his actual death isn't shown in the movie, the aftermath of his family finding his body in the Great Hall is. It spoke only six words in Moody's voice. He sent his snake, Nagini, to reanimate her corpse and lure Harry into her house to attack him. Lucius Malfoy | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She was infatuated with Voldemort and would go to any lengths to please him. It came with the cost of countless sleepless nights, loads of whispering while walking down Chloe Cullen is the human daughter of Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen. Work Search: I know it, he knows it, my bloody gran knows it. And once he's done, he's going to make sure the rest of their days is filled with love and sex. Riddle used her death to make his first Horcrux with a diary. But there's also some sad one-shots. When Voldemort placed false images of Sirius being tortured in Harrys mind he was relying on the fact that Harry would want to rescue him. All imagines written by me! Time of Death: Prior to the series, revealed in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". He dropped a chandelier on the Death Eaters, which distracted them enough to Apparate himself and the others away. Fake smiles they used to lie to themselves that everythi. With the first book out of the way, the readers worry about the secrets that will be revealed in the second book. The ghost of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago, Moaning Myrtle could be found haunting the second-floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts. And while he was able to convince Lupin and the golden trio of the truth, disaster struck before he could clear his name. These imagines are x female reader unless otherwise marked! The son of Amos Diggory, Cedric was a Hufflepuff who was selected to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. "That explains it" Tonks breathed, her eyes focusing on the baby's eyes, next to Harry's, noticing immediately they were the same. When she eventually meets the worlds most fractured soul though, will pity and sympathy change her quest to destroy all the horcruxs? It's made even more tragic when Harry brings his lifeless body back to Hogwarts and we witness Amos' heart-wrenching reaction to losing his only son. However, it was noble of Grindelwald to conceal the Elder Wand's location and sacrifice his life to prevent Voldemort from growing even stronger. 50 Must-Read Harry Potter Fan Fictions: The Best of the Best - BOOK RIOT
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