At 0800 the head of the 4th Armd Div column passed through PERIERS and rolled unopposed southward to ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN. (b) 358th Inf, on the left, to force the corridor between the FORET and PRARIE, block to the E, S of the PRARIE, and finally assist the 359th Inf on order. However, the slow advance do the 8th Inf Div and the improbability of its passing through the 359th Inf at any reasonable hour caused the Division Commander to order the 358th Inf to attack at 1500, with the 359th Inf following as soon as practicable after it could side-slip into position (the sideslip itself hinging upon its relief by the 8th Inf Div). No additional troops of the 2nd Bn had joined G Co. At 0830 mortar and artillery fire in the 1st Bn area increased perceptibly and shortly after 0900 the Boche attacked both flanks of the Bn in considerable strength. In the meantime, the Divisions Artillery supported the units of the 79th Division until it passed out of range effectively Artillery coverage. Civilian report of an impending attack against the 357th Infantry was found to be inaccurate. 6 june (D-Day) : 90th Infantry Division), Organized in November 1921 with Headquarters at Dallas, Texas, Ordered into active military service 25 March 1942 and reorganized The remainder of the 358th was place in Division Reserve to be prepared to advance in either of the regimental zones. First elements of the Division saw action on Dday, 6 June, on Utah Beach, Normandy, the remainder entering combat, 10 June, cutting across the Merderet River to take Pont l'Abbe in heavy fighting. While the VII Corps smashed the encircled Boche in the trap its maneuver had sprung and VIII Corps drove S through AVRANCEHS, 90th Inf Div remained in the general area secured 28 July welcoming its first breathing spell since D-Day. Ehrenfried-Oskar Bge. By midnight the battalion had reached the road, connecting up with the 3rd Bn to its right rear. At this latter point it turned due E to LES MILLERIES and then S through GRUCHY drawing abreast of the 3rd Bn. 17 june (D+11) This Bn could advance no further. Casualty figures for the 90th Infantry Division, European theater of operations: Total battle casualties: 19,200; Total deaths in battle: 3,951 > German mines were issued to all units for training purposes. The ISLAND was soon reported devoid of Boche but littered with mines. At 25 1100, under cover of a tremendous bombardment, VII Corps initiated its assault from W of ST LO. The remainder of the Division sailed eastward along the coast of England. 391.3.6 Records of cavalry regiments (1916-41) 391.4 RECORDS OF THE ENGINEERS 1846-1939 1,076 lin. Infantry. VII Corps was being reoriented for an attack S out of the peninsula, on the left of and it conjunction with VIII Corps. [2] It took part in several campaigns, including Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes Alsace, and Central Europe. 183. We have no pictures of D-Day. The Division was immediately thrust into the fighting; cut across the Merderet and took Pont l'Abbe. Nickname: Tough 'Ombres; during World War I, the division was called the Texas-Oklahoma Division, represented by the T and O on the shoulder patch. Corps order gave the Division the mission of attacking to the West on 10 June to seize the high ground East of the Douve River in the vicinity of St Sauveur le Vicomte to deepen the Corps bridgehead. The enemy penetration was neutralized by a counterattack and the lines restored. 22 june (D+16) The 90th Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985. D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia. Despite heavy artillery and mortar fire which continued to rain up on the battalion area, the reorganization was quickly completed and the attack was resumed at 1800. The 357th Infantry occupied its defensive sector. By 1300 two additional counterattacks by the enemy had been launched and repulsed. 3rd Bn, which completed the relief of the 2nd time at 0600, advanced due S at 0900. 7th Armd Div on the right while holding in place was to support the attack with all available artillery. 2nd Bn moved to forward assembly positions on the right rear of 1st Bn. The command group itself was attacked by a by-passed German squad; the latter was dispatched by the timely intervention of the reserve platoon of L Company which turned back upon hearing the sound of the fire fight. operations of the 359th infantry regiment (90th infantry division) . An air mission made on Vesley to knock out Artillery and Command Posts was very successful. The date was April 2, 1945, and Sevel and another scout had just paddled across the Werra, approximately 100 miles northeast of Frankfurt in the heart of Germany. CT 9 (- Group A) and the Division advance detachment went aboard the personnel ship, the Susan B. Anthony, and moved into the Bristol Channel at 1800. The 359th Infantry was ordered to continue its offensive in the vicinity of Picauville. > The supporting units were ashore D plus 4. Readjustment and improvement of the positions of the combined 1st and 3rd Bns continued. This battalion was ordered to effect relief after dark of the 2nd Bn which by this time had suffered heavy casualties. When this maneuver had developed sufficiently, 358th Inf would mop up the ISLAND and assemble thereon as Div Reserve. 2nd Bn attacking on a narrow front which permitted the employment of only 1 Co encountered heavy resistance almost at the LD. It had enveloped battle experience and equally important, battle confidence. Hampered only by mines and the inadequacy of routes, the leading regiments advanced rapidly, initially deployed and subsequently, in route column. (1) Except in the narrow zone of the attack, the entire Army front was inactive and the Boche was able to give undivided attention to this sole threat to the integrity of his front. F Co was attached to the 3rd Bn in position to back up the greatly reduced latter unit. It was assigned . 1st and 3rd Bns maintained and improved their advanced positions throughout the day against repeated attacks and heavy fire. A change of plans was necessary and consequently the 3rd Bn initiated reconnaissance with a view to a projected attack through the lines of the 1st Bn the following day. At 1450, a violet counter-attack hit B Co on the right flank and although repulsed by our tanks caused heavy casualties including all officers and non commissioned officers. Between June 6 and 10, 1944, the 6th Fallschirmjger 's 1st Battalion was wiped out in heavy action. VIII Corps agreed to this plan and preparations were immediately initiated for a dawn attack by the 358th Inf on 19 July. At 1520, the 2nd Bn 358th Inf, now attached to 359th Inf, moved into the Regimental zone and fought its way forward with the mission of filling the gap between the two leading battalions. Advancing rapidly at first, the Bn soon encountered enemy in strength and at darkness was still held E of LITHAIRE; it had succeeded however, in guaranteeing a safe line of communication to the summit of the FORET in rear of the 1st and 3rd Bns of the 359th Inf. Upon relief, assembled all units of the regiment in the general area of GORGES. Normandy American Cemetery American Cemetery 14710 Colleville-sur-Mer France 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division. 22 July 1944 The 358th and 359th Infantries relieved the 507th Parachute Regiment in the areas South of the Douve River. Since addition to the enemy position immediately to its front, its left flank had been exposed by the divergent maneuver of the 1st Bn 359th Inf. At 2000, German paratroopers and tanks struck the E flank of 1st Bn in two company strength under the cover of an intense artillery preparation. During the day, the 82nd Airborne Division, supported by the 345th FA Battalion of the 90th Infantry Division drove a bridgehead across the Merderet River at 308910. During the day, the Division maintained its defensive sector while elements of the newly arrived 79th Infantry Division passed through its lines. The assault companies, abhorrent as the phrase may be, were pinned to the ground and notwithstanding the heroic actions of their leaders, remained immobile throughout the foremoon. As it actually developed, the failure of the 8th Inf Div to clear our front lines on this day postponed the attack. The remnants withdrew into the A company perimiter. San Antonio,Texas:San Antonio Printing Co., 1918 [2] 1st and 2d Battalions were inactivated on December 31, 1965 and relieved from assignment to the 90th Infantry Division. Realizing this, all units at dark began a sustained probing of enemy positions for evidence of withdrawal. Home It was active in Europe as part of the 90th Infantry Division during World War I and World War II, and components of the regiment were later part of the United States Army Reserve. (3) The success of the attack was contingent upon the element of surprise to the extent of rushing the open ground N of the ISLAND before the Boche could react to the sudden pressure. The Main elements of the Division were loaded on 9 MT ships at Cardiff and Newport, Wales. 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division 37; 298; 315; 664 . Back to the 90th Infantry Division After Action Report menu. Lieutenant of the 1st Polish Armoured Division and American officer of the 359th Infantry Regiment after the units meet up at Chambois, August 1944. Group A completed embarkation at Dartmouth. As stated above, the 2nd Bn 359th Inf did not possess sufficient power to break out and it was consequently decided to commit the 2nd Bn 357th Inf in column of companies through its left to give added drive to the bogged down attack. The Boche engaged our infantry with hand grenades and close range MG fire from trees, spider trap holes and carefully camouflaged dug-in positions in the tangled under growth, inflicting heavy casualties. 2nd Bn remained in position as Division Reserve, patrolling to contact with the 1st Bn 358th Inf. The 358th Infantry Regiment was stationed at Cam Llangattock . The VIII Corps follow-up attack contemplate a straight push with 4 Divisions abreast (in order from right to left, 79th, 8th, 90th, 83rd) to seize the high ground vicinity COUTANCES. The few available hours of darkness had been inadequate to effect resupply and establish communication to and within the assault battalions; it was nearly noon before the battalions were in proper shape for a continuation of the attack. Throughout the hours from midnight until dawn the Boche in the Regtl zone continued to probe the hilltop positions, but no attack developed. 359th Inf: Pursuit continued to the Czech border, 18 April 1945, and into the Sudetes mountain range. Regiment directed that E Company, under the control of the 3rd Bn and supported by tanks, attack at once to relieve the situation of I and L companies. At 1045 the 3rd Bn, having been covered by the advance of the 8th Inf Div across its front, was relieved from attachment to the 359th Inf and returned to Regtl control. 329th Inf experienced great difficulty repositioning its troops and late in the afternoon decided to postpone this effort until the following morning. 315th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 357th, 358th, 359th, and 360th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals. 1st and 3rd Bns moved at 1700 and 1800 respectively after their relief by elements of 358th Inf. The mission was completed and no Germans were found. He passed away in 2006, but he had some amazing stories from DD plus 2 (came in on Utah) through the Battle of the Bulge (injured twice). 357th Inf (Less 3rd Bn), moved by infiltration across the DOUVE RIVER causeway to a new assembly area vicinity of APPEVILLE. Whether the Boche were forewarned of the impending attack or whether the inactivity on the remainder of the Corps front permitted him to concentrate all available artillery on the attack area has never been accurately determined; the bitter fact remains that the heavy artillery fire which began at H-Hour and continued throughout the day from the outset disrupted and disorganized the assault echelons and foredoomed the failure the well planned and well coordinated attack. After defensive action along the river Douve, the division attacked to clear the Foret de Mont-Castre (Hill 122), clearing it by 11 July, in spite of fierce resistance. An attack on the island of Saint-Germain-sur-Sves on 23 July failed so the 90th bypassed it and took Priers on 27 July. From: U.S. 90th Infantry Division. The DSC was awarded to two of his comrades in Company A, 344th Field Artillery Battalion, as well as two men of the 359th Infantry Regiment. Along the entire front, aggressive patrolling was conducted by the respective units in their defensive sectors. The RCT 9 moved by battalion to the vicinity of Bandienvielle, still part of the 4th Infantry Divisions Reserve. It was organized . Normandy American Cemetery. (b) 358th Inf, on the left, extended from its contact point with 359th Inf to BAUPTE where contact was maintained with the 83rd Inf Div. By 1000 the task had been completed and they were in full control of the long disputed NOSE on the NE edge of the FORET. Verbal orders were given to continue the attack the following day. 3rd Bn continued the attack to the W at 0900. Regiment was alerted to pass through 358th Inf the following day and continue the attack S through BEAU COUDRAY. The Kampfgruppe of the 25th Panzer Grenadier Division had been reinforced by a battalion from the 74th Regiment after the reverse suffered at the hands of the 359th Infantry in the fight west of Kerling; now the First Army commander was given permission to use it in another riposte, this time at the southern flank of the 90th Division. Some elements of the 90th saw action on 6 June 1944, D-Day, Utah Beach, Normandy, France.The rest of the Division entered combat 10 June. F Co followed and was committed on the G Cos left. After our return to civilian life it will give us great satisfaction to look back at ourselves as were in combat, arid to see ourselves as the heroes of the 359th, one of the great regimental combat teams of the war. [2] On March 25, 1942, the 359th was called to active service for participation in World War II and was organized and trained at Camp Barkeley, Texas. Unable to silence this fire with either mortars or artillery, E Company rose to the man and charged across the stream, overrunning the German positions. Heavy pressure against the center & R of the line continued throughout the morning and afternoon, climaxed by a strong attack at 1500 designed to split the 1st Bn 359th Inf and 2nd Bn 358th Inf. The 359th (-1 BN) was released from assignment to the 4th Infantry Division and reverted to the control of the 90th Division on 10 June. [4] The oak tree signifies the Forest of Argonne and the regiment's participation in the MeuseArgonne offensive. WW A counterattack against K Co was beaten off prior to dark. 359th Inf (90th Div) 15 Jun 44-17 Jun 44 1st Bn, 359th Inf (90th Div) 20 Jun 44-21 Jun 44 . By 2250 it had cleared the resistance between these battalions and established contact laterally. The 3rd Bn assembled in Regimental Reserve N of GONFREVILLE. Elements of the 90th Infantry assaulted and captured the German-held Fort de Koenigsmacker 912 November. After elements of the 82nd Airborne Division had passed through satisfactorily, 358th Infantry assembled in the vicinity of Pont lAbbe to await further orders. The entrenched enemy although buffeted by heavy mortar and artillery concentrations could not be unloosened. The 358th Inf now consisted of its organic 1st Bn, 2nd Bn, 359th Inf and the 315th Engr Bn. The Division was ordered to seize and hold a line running from the railroad station (288024) to Terre de Beauval (2901). The detachment accompanying the vehicles of CT 9 (- Group A) embarked as per schedule during the day. By July 22, elements of the German regiment's 2nd and 3rd battalions were entrenched in defensive positions opposite the 90th Infantry Division on the Cotentin Peninsula. The 357th Infantry fought fiercely throughout the day, but due to the ferocity of the enemy, they were able to make very little gain. The personnel accompanying the 9 MT ships went aboard their assigned craft. 359th Inf: 1st Bn, right assault battalion of the Div, met heavy resistance at the LD from the German garrison vicinity of PRETOT. At 1635, a carrying party from the isolated companies broke through the German lines and reached the 3rd Bn area in greatly decimated strength. The three battalions on the Hill maintained their positions against German reconnaissances in force which increased in frequency toward evening. Numerous guides were posted and officer liaison established to facilitate execution of this plan. First elements of the division saw action on D-Day, 6 June, on Utah Beach . The main effort was to be made on the left the zone of the 90th Division. . 17 August 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, but attached to V Corps, First Army. The 358th Inf, extending to the left (E), 90th Rcn Tr extending to the S would relieve the 357th Inf and initially contain the ISLAND. The Regiment was to be prepared to immediately exploit any verified withdrawal; in any event it was to exert strong pressure beginning 1400 to assist the attacks of the 358th and 359th Inf. Corps order directed active patrolling by the 359th from their sector down to the river line with the mission of eliminating all German resistance in that pocket. After beating down the immediate resistance, the battalion halted for reorganization prior to the resumption of the advance. The VIII Corps directed all Artillery in the Corps to fire one-sixth of a unit of fire to represent a simulated attack. At 1345 it passed to the control of 359th Inf for the completion of mop up operations W to the Division boundary. The mission for the Division remained unchanged. [4] Blue signifies the Infantry branch. One (1) platoon assisted the 357th Infantry in mop up of its area. The Boche outposts N of the RIVER were quickly overrun and one platoon was pushed toward SEVES to secure the stream-crossings. While the remainder of the regiment held its now stabilized position N of BEAU COUDRAY, 2nd Bn moved to an assembly area just NE of the NOSE. The 1st Bn 358th Inf and 2nd Bn 359th Inf in close contact, one with the other, consolidated their position and made those readjustments requisite to a continuation of the attack. [2] Its headquarters was again located in Dallas. Finally at 1100, elements of F Co pushed across the stream W of SEVES and secured a lodgment but no additional 2nd Bn troops effected a crossing. The 90th Infantry Division ("Tough 'Ombres"[1]) was a unit of the United States Army that served in World War I and World War II. 90th Light Infantry Division (Wehrmacht) From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. The 90th Division through its battles and conquests will go down in the annals of history as one of the finest and bravest Division of World War II. Almost immediately all assault platoons met fierce resistance from the fanatically determined paratroopers defending that area. The 357th Infantry upon being relieved by the 79th Infantry Division reverted to Division Reserve. Some 3 Kms S thereof, vicinity of BUCHEUX, the 357th Inf was stopped by contact with elements of the 1st Inf Div moving W directly across our front. Across the entire front of the VII and VIII Corps German resistance was as strong as on the first day of the offensive. 7 june (D+1) : In the ensuing fight it sustained approximately 40 additional casualties including 4 officers. On that same day, Erich Hartmann, the highest-scoring fighter ace in history, along with a squadron of the elite Jagdgeschwader 52 fighter wing (the highest-scoring fighter wing in history), surrendered to the 90th. [4] A week later, word came that the war in Europe ended on 8 May 1945. The 90th Infantry Division was born on the soil of Texas, drew its strength from the North and South and East and West, grew to lusty manhood on the beaches of France, and fed itself on victories plucked from the forests and wrenched from the rivers of Europe. At 1645 the 1st Bn, supported by the fire of the 2nd Bn 359th Inf launched a frontal attack against the German position on the crest. As the 4th Armd Div on the immediate right was holding fast, the 1st bn was swung into the gap which thus developed and followed on the right rear of the 2nd Bn. By dar, Regiment had completely readjusted and positioned all weapons to support the attacks of the 357th and 359th Infs by fire. The two regiments continued to push forward upon the opening of the new day. necessary readjustments were made by the 358th and the 359th so that they might tie in with the defensive positions of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. The 79th Inf Div on the extreme right of the Corps had taken LA HAYE DU PUITS and was consolidating its positions. The only enemy contact during the day had been Boche stragglers who had been overrun by the rapidity of the advance. The 8th Infantry Division on our immediate right moved rapidly till encountering the reverse slope positions of Hill 92. Caught at the LD by heavy enemy fire, and unable to fight back effectively, they could not be expected to react like seasoned veterans. Group A, still at anchorage, conducted briefing. [3] After completing individual and collective training, the regiment served in France during the war, including duty in the Villers-en-Haye, Battle of Saint-Mihiel, duty in the Puvenelle Sector of Lorraine, and the MeuseArgonne offensive. WW_REG_HIS 391.3.3 Records of the 3d Regiment of Dragoons. Delayed by the bridge construction and mines on the main road to PERIERS the Troop did not initiate its movement until 1330. 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division 37; 298. The 4th Inf Div, having been committed in the right of the original zone of action of the 83rd Inf Div, made small progress on our immediate left. This attack was finally repulsed at dawn. The 2nd Bn attacked at 0800 and meeting practically no resistance, advanced rapidly to LE PLESSIS. 90th Rcn Tr: The 357th reverted to Division Reserve in the vicinity of Gourbesville. Both Bns were low on ammunition, without AT protection and were under heavy enemy fire. There was no sound of battle from their last reported positions and it was consequently clear that our resistance in that area had ended. It was strongly recommended that the 121st Inf on the left of the 8th Div veer to the left of its zone and approach its LD (our present front line) over ground which had been cleared by our units thereby bypassing the scattered resistance still remaining W of the 3rd Bn 358th Inf. The 357th Infantry was assigned to the left sector of the drive and the 358th Infantry to the right sector. The CO of the 3rd Bn was relieved and the entire force, consisting of the intermingled 1st and 3rd Bns, was placed under the command of the CO of the 1st Bn. Inactivated 26 December 1945 at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. The 90th Div, drained as it was of key officers and non-commissioned officers had undisputedly proven its combat effectiveness. 5 July 1944 The only route through the attack area was a fire break on which Company I, the left assault company, guided. 358th Inf: Those of you who remember this incident have a picture that is printed indelibly in your memory. By noon it had become obvious that the stalemate would not be immediately broken and plans were initiated, in conjunction with 329th Inf, for that latter unit to sideslip to the left, punching at a new point and giving the 357th Inf some maneuver room on the left of the 2nd Bn; both Regtl attacks to be renewed at 1900. Meanwhile the 2nd Bn had crossed S of the River; the 1st Bn was scheduled for crossing at daylight. Blood, guts and superior equipment had finally broken the Mahlman line. 90th Rcn Tr: The attack was eventually stopped, after several casualties had been inflicted on the 3rd Bn 357th Inf. At 0600 357th and 359th Infs resumed their advance to the S keeping entirely clear of the PERIERS COUNTANCES ROAD. Reserve Corps; redesignated 9 July 1952 as the Army Reserve), Reorganized 1 April 1959 as a parent regiment under the Combat [2] On April 1, 1959, the regiment was reorganized as a parent regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System to consist of 1st Battle Group, a subordinate unit of the 90th Infantry Division.
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